Posts Tagged: budgeting

UPDATED (11.1.2010) Draft Framework for Action, input please

I’m putting a “Framework for Action” together to serve as a guideline in support of activating and empowering communities to take action. I’ve posted this framework here on GovLoop because I’d appreciate your help to help make it as strong as possible. The inspiration for putting this together came from my being sick and tiredRead… Read more »

Going ROWE: D.C. gov workers worried new mayor will end “results only work environment”

Just posted this morning, the third installment of the new Center for American Progress series, “Going ROWE,” a behind-the-scenes look at how D.C.’s information technology agency is transforming in to a “results only work environment.” This weekly series documents the transformation of a government office into a workplace where employees can work where they want,Read… Read more »

Curbing tax expenditure addiction through procedural change

My organization (Citizens for Tax Justice) released a new report today describing how to reform the ways in which the Legislative and Executive Branches deal with “tax expenditures” (or special tax breaks). The reforms discussed within the report (such as performance reviews, sunsets, caps, changes to the committee system, etc) would serve as a usefulRead… Read more »

Return on Relationships

This article was originally published on the Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATIONIt is a common trap on many IT projects that team members are so focused on ensuring project “success” (typically defined as on-time and on-budget delivery) that team members forget the critical importance of developing and maintaining effective relationships. Ironically, forgoing the relationship building elementsRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Free Me From This Prison

I’m always interested in hearing recruitment statistics, and after reading a Pew Center On The States Press Release, I thought this blog would be a great follow up to my Sep 13th posting – Get out of Jail Green Ticket. Here’s the impact of incarceration for job seekers, their families, and for the government: ·Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: “What’s My Role? Step-By-Step Hiring Guide for Federal Managers”

Our friends at the Partnership for Public Service have done it again, producing another incredible resource for Federal employees. This time, they’ve created “What’s My Role? A Step-by-Step Hiring Guide for Federal Managers.” As soon as we found out about it, we wanted to ask them a few more questions. 1. What inspired the PartnershipRead… Read more »

TPM and ASTD Partner to Provide Complimentary Training for Federal Human Resources, Training & Development, and Management Professionals

October 25-26, Alexandria, VA As federal agencies face the new challenges of an environment of expanding missions, shrinking resources, greater accountability, and increased expectations, their HR, training and management professionals are being asked to ensure that their talent capacity adapts to changing priorities, changing focus, and even changing mission over the long term. Strategic talentRead… Read more »

TARP Earned Taxpayers 8.2% Return

The U.S. government’s bailout of financial firms through the Troubled Asset Relief Program provided taxpayers with higher returns than they could have made buying 30-year Treasury bonds — enough money to fund the Securities and Exchange Commission for the next two decades. The government has earned $25.2 billion on its investment of $309 billion inRead… Read more »

Going ROWE: The Guinea Pigs in the Basement

By Gadi Dechter Associate Director of Government ReformCenter for American Progress This is the second in a series of weekly dispatches from the District of Columbia’s information technology department, which is transforming into a “results-only work environment” where employees can work where they want, when they want—so long as they meet predefined goals. Washington’s 35-year-oldRead… Read more »