Posts Tagged: budgeting

An Avatar Picture Worth 1,000 Friends

Do default avatar pictures bother you, or you still shrinking back from showing the world your pearly whites or using an agency logo on a consumer-oriented social media site? It’s often surprising how many new social media users fail to update their generic avatars when starting out. And failing to do so is likely toRead… Read more »

Wisdom From Retired Fed – Rule #7 – Common Sense & Common Courtesy Are Uncommon

It’s been awhile since I last posted but this is Rule #7 in my series of tips I learned in my 35 years as a federal manager and SES at IRS. Rest of the tips are at the bottom ——- Ressler’s Rules #7: Common Sense and Common Courtesy are uncommon attributes and therefore highly prized.Read… Read more »

What’s the ROI when implementing Performance Management Analytics Projects?

Apparently, pretty good, according to Nucleus Research. They recently completed 2 ROI Case Studies of 2 government analytics projects. Both showed impressive results: Alameda Country Social Service Agency’s Social Services Integrated Reporting System (SSIRS) had an ROI of 631% and a payback of 2 months Memphis Police Department’s Blue CRUSH (Criminal Reduction Utilizing Statistical History)Read… Read more »

Finally, A Name!

The Obama management agenda finally has a name: the Accountable Government Initiative. In a memo from President Obama to the 7,000 members of the senior executive service, he highlights six initiatives and their progress to date. He also says: “I have tasked our Chief Performance Officer, Jeff Zients, with leading the Accountable Government Initiative,. .Read… Read more »

Three Years of Social Media: Marketing Lessons Learned

Three Years of Social Media: Marketing Lessons Learned By Leonard Sipes and Timothy Barnes This is the seventh article in a series on podcasting and social media. The purpose is to explain social media and to attempt to “cut through the clutter” and offer an understanding of effective methods. We were one of the firstRead… Read more »

First look at Seattle City Council budget consultation

Seattle City Council last week launched a budget consultation for their 2011-2012 budget. I did a quick analysis of their IdeaScale site following this checklist: Is it clear who is the convener? Does it say what the site is about? Does the site educate participants about the issue at hand? Is the promise to theRead… Read more »

Retirement Questions Answered

Our federal employees retirement planning site at receives many questions each month from retirees and federal employees and many are focused on the following subject areas. I suggest copying this article and keep it with your important papers so you and your family will have the answers needed when faced with these issues. RetirementRead… Read more »

Member-of-the-Week: Tricia Garland

Tricia Garland Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Links:, Tricia’s blogs: 1. What was your path to public service? While I was in college I was an intern for Honeywell working in the aerospace industry (government contractor) writing procedures, and I also worked as a telephone operator. In fact, some of the phoneRead… Read more »

On Twitter, Engagement Equals Influence for Gov’t Accounts

A new analysis of government Twitter accounts in San Francisco shows that the most interactive are also the most influential. Of the 35 accounts surveyed last week (excluding political accounts by elected officials and inactive accounts), 11 are graded either above 99 by TwitterGrader, or above 20 by Klout, two of the most trusted TwitterRead… Read more »