Posts Tagged: budgeting

Privacy News Highlights – August 15th

Some top privacy news Biometrics US – U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database Wired reports on the U.S. military’s new detention facility in Parwan, Afghanistan, as “an emerging datafarm” where all detainees brought to the facility are given medical exams and have their irises scanned and fingerprints taken to be stored in a militaryRead… Read more »

How To Analyze Use of Twitter and Other Social Media

© Creative Commons adriel [at] September 5, 2010 One Saturday, I noticed that my pal Nick Charney was getting a lot of buzz on Twitter while speaking at a big conference. In addition to his fearless innovation, Charney is well-known for his hairstyle, long bangs with a flip. I decided to have a littleRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 9, 2010

Should it stay or should it go? David Eaves: The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics and An Interview with Alex Howard Andrea DiMaio: Why We Must Get Rid of Open Government John Moore: The Missing Links of Government 2.0 Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Becoming Citizen 2.0 – Step One, Consumer Chris Amico: Gov 2.0 – Challenge.govRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics

One promise of open data is its ability to inform citizens and consumers about the quality of local services. At the Gov 2.0 Summit yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Resources announced it was releasing data on hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the hopes that developers will create applications that show citizensRead… Read more »

It’s Cloudy in L.A. (#g2s)

Tim O’Reilly brought two folks to the Gov 2.0 Summit stage this morning: Randi Levin, CTO for the city of Los Angeles, CA and Dave Girouard of Google. L.A. is halfway through a migration for their city-wide email system, moving from Novell Groupwise to Google Apps and Randi estimates an eventual savings of $5M overRead… Read more »

Lessons from Northrop Grumman Failure in Virginia?

This week witnessed one of the most dramatic government information technology failures ever, with an outage that paralyzed twenty six state government services for days in Virginia. The Department of Motor Vehicles was the most visible outage, leaving thousands of frustrated motorists and forcing law enforcement to relax enforcement to allow time for drivers’ licenseRead… Read more »

Excited about Gov 2.0 conference

I could never figure out why some people dread going to conferences. It is always so fast paced, with a ton of people you want to meet, and happy hour every night. I just took over the government liaison/business development role at Marion Montgomery, Inc., so I am looking forward to attending the conference. MMIRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up September 3, 2010

Here are the articles that caught our attention this week: Gadi Ben-Yehuda Of course, no one should miss my incredibly insightful and unfathomably well-written post “Meeting Half-way: Becoming Citizen 2.0.” But other people published material that you should read. Check out: Center for Democracy and Technology – Your Great Granddaddy Had Syphilis And Now EveryoneRead… Read more »

State Government Hiring: Interview with HR at the State of Maryland

Interview with Scott Jay Regner, Human Resources Analyst Supervisor, Department of Budget and Management, Office Of Personnel Services, Recruitment and Examination Division, Technology Services Unit, State of Maryland. Many thanks, Scott! 1. I know state governments have been hit hard by the recession. How has hiring been reduced? Have there been layoffs or furloughs? Yes,Read… Read more »