Posts Tagged: budgeting

Role of SoA in Government Tax operations = Real revenue for states

Service Oriented Architecture is often touted as a mechanism to improve business performance, but is often limited in its effect to improvements in IT architecture. However, the DC Office of Tax and Revenue is showing how SoA, and specifically leveraging the Enterprise Service Bus architecture can lead to real revenue growth for state and localRead… Read more »

Monitor your brand on the cheap with SocialMention

You know people are chatting about you, your organization, or your brand on social media channels (or you hope they are). The problem is that most organizations cannot afford to spend money on expensive listening platforms and are often left scratching their heads about how best to approach this need without spending money. SocialMention providesRead… Read more »

How to Fail at Organizational Change: A Case Study

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde I am a student of failure because I find failure quite instructive. As a teacher of project management, I extol the effectiveness of project management but I also admit that roughly 30% of all projects are successful in that they fulfilled all the customer’sRead… Read more »

Top 50 Public Administration Resources Features GovLoop

Pretty cool to see GovLoop featured as a Top 50 public administration resource. Original post here: A public administrator needs all the resources available at his or her fingertips, including information about organizations, research, online interaction, public outreach and contact information for local, regional, national and even international resources. You’ll find the best of allRead… Read more »

Monitoring and Measuring Wildlife (Social Media)

Danielle Brigida is the Digital Marketing Manager for the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). Her work has garnered national attention. She will be speaking at the Advanced New Media Strategies for Federal Government in October on “Monitoring and Measuring Traffic on New Media Sites.“ Danielle has been working at NWF for the past four years whereRead… Read more »

Performance Appraisal Rears Its Ugly Head

For most of us, the oft dreaded annual performance appraisal rears its ugly head at least once a year. Loathed by the majority of managers & employees alike, one’s approach to performance appraisals is a sure-fire way to experience a positive or negative outcome. Perhaps it’s time to take a fresh look at what’s reallyRead… Read more »

Statement Of MEP CEO Chris Taylor To The Commission On Wartime Contracting

Available at Chairman Thibault, Chairman Shays, distinguished members of the Commission: I am honored to have the opportunity to represent Mission Essential Personnel, LLC (“MEP”) before you today. Our entire company appreciates the Commission’s hard work in reviewing U.S. Government contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I look forward to today’s specific discussion ofRead… Read more »

Social Media: Taking Stock in Your Government

Much of the hand-wringing in government social media practice – or more so, the decision-making behind whether to have a government social media practice – centers on return on investment, or even “return on engagement.” Does it work, and how do we measure whether it works? From measuring retweets, to numbers of fans, unique blogRead… Read more »