Posts Tagged: budgeting

Attributes of the Social Unit

As we continue to explore The Social Ecosystem it is time we discuss The Social Unit. The Social Unit is the smallest part and represents both people as well as teams. The Social Unit is never the strategic visionary but is responsible for executing the strategies defined by The Social Organization. The two primary attributesRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: So What Exactly Is The Recession Good For?

Can it really be? A benefit coming out of the recession? It seems so, as the recession some claim is accelerating a change (at least in the corporate world) toward more flexible work schedules. Currently, one of five Americans works non-typical work hours (nights, weekends, rotating shifts, etc). With the recession still in force, expertsRead… Read more »

How does #dcgov record bad debt? The accountants have spoken

A questions was raised in one of my earlier blog posts about where #dcgov records bad debt and where can it be found for analysis? I have consulted our accounting brains and have an answer for those interested: In a nutshell, there are two types of outstanding debt: 1) Outstanding receivables (such as tax liability,Read… Read more »

DC Budget Transparency – The saga continues

DC Gov’s budget transparency efforts continue. The DC Office of the Chief Financial Officer today released a slightly improved version of the dashboard, showing spending and budgets at all levels of government, down to the sub-agency level, allowing users to slice and dice budget data and see where their money is going. One ofRead… Read more »

Reading tea leaves at OMB when what’s needed are answers

By David Perera The White House recently warned agencies that they should be cooperating with Office of Management Budget efforts to review agency information technology programs. Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra began such reviews in January under the rubric of “TechStat,” but background sources have told FierceGovermentIT that agency willingness to participate in thoseRead… Read more »

Employee Retention or Employee Loyalty?

Reprinted from: Success Performance Solutions by Ira Wolfe | June 23, 2010 Which is better: employee retention or loyalty? The answer isn’t as obvious as you think. These are some common remarks shared by disgruntled, long-term employees: · “All the owners care about is the money.” · “They’ll never pay me what I deserve anyway.”Read… Read more »

Jennovation 1.1: Don’t Go it Alone: Why Public-Private Partnerships Make Sense

Welcome to the second posting of my featured Govloop blog series—Jennovation—coming to you every other Monday. This series contains my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Let me start by saying, I was rather surprised by the comments on my first posting. While Gov 2.0, Open Gov and innovation haveRead… Read more »