Posts Tagged: budgeting

Generation *U*

So you haven’t heard of generation “U” yet either? Why, according to FedSmith generation “U” is the UNRETIRED GENERATION. Full article AND COMMENTS may be found here: So this article attempts to address the reasons or at least speculate why so many baby boomers haven’t retired. The comments are unbelievable! Some folks feel theyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: The Air Force switches cellphone plans

The Obama administration is in hot pursuit of cost-cutting ideas, or at least a chance to make it seem like it’s trying. In that vein, the White House will announce today that it’s recommending changes to about 10,000 cellphone plans for Air Force employees that better reflect their actual usage. The changes should help saveRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Hero Day

In celebration of Gov 2.0 Hero Day, I want to highlight a few visionary ROCKet stars at NASA: Robbie Schingler, Nick Skytland, Chris Kemp, Astronaut Mike Massimino, Astronaut and Innovator Ron Garan, and Sean Herron. Robbie Schingler: Chief of Staff, Office of Technology at NASA Headquarters. I met Robbie a few years ago in aRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging – Michael Walsh – Gartner

Live blogging…Michael Smith of Gartner at MISA Canada. The Value of IT -Productivity growth in U.S. economy – -Each year 2.5% increase in productivity from 2000-2007-IT Capital and Application of IT have biggest improvements on productivity (Non-IT capital and multifactor productivity, and labor composition also)-80% of U.S. productivity growth comes from IT IT Productivity Gap-ITRead… Read more »

Performance Measurement Framework for government sites : now in beta

Here’s something I’m working on. Comments welcomed. Measuring government websites If you can’t see the presentation embedded above, view it on slideshare. Modified from original post on:

Project of the Week: Austin’s Crowd-sourced City Budget

This past week, while I was in Texas, I learned that the City of Austin has launched an innovative online tool for the public to provide comment about their 2010-2011 Budget. Community members will be able to vote on priorities for unmet service demands and potential service reductions as the City works toward formulating itsRead… Read more »

Pay Retention under NSPS

So I probably shouldn’t be posting this as I’m in HR but hey, I think that’s what being a leader is all about. Acknowledging when things are wrong. If you’re under NSPS or have been following all the articles and issues on the Hill, you’ll know that NSPS is done as of FY11 and manyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Peter Orszag wants an upgrade

Let there be no doubt: Peter Orszag has declared war on the government’s computers. “At one time, a federal worker went to the office and had access to the most cutting-edge computer power and programs,” Orszag said Tuesday. “Now, he often has more of both in a device clipped to his belt.” The White HouseRead… Read more »

Can Twitter Reimagine Democracy?

Twitter’s plan to hire a government liaison (its first DC employee) has set off a a tweetstorm from the U.S. Capitol to London to Tokyo, and likely a flood of resumes into the Web 2.0 firm’s SoMa offices. Some of the Gov 2.0 community’s brightest have already offered great suggestions for how this new TwitterRead… Read more »