Posts Tagged: budgeting

Gov 2 Expo – Jeff Jonas on Data Context and Spear Phishing

Jeff Jonas notes from Gov 2.0 expo keynote Data will find data and relevance will find you-amazing ads tailored just for you-populations spear phised en masse Context accumulating systems used to deliver value in real-timeBetter understanding something by taking into account the things around it Data without context vs Data in context…so much more usefulRead… Read more »

Blended Workforce Done Strategically is Right Sizing

From The Acquisition Corner The insourcing debate seems to have heated up this month, as competing forces are all at play and all are trying to be satisfied. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) continues to provide guidance on inherently governmental functions, public comments continue on the proposed rules, and groups to help smallRead… Read more »

Professional Liability for Federal Employees

Now, more than ever, we want to communicate to the entire federal community—not just law enforcement and management officials – that a professional liability policy is necessary to protect against administrative, disciplinary, civil and criminal exposure. With the changing landscape of the federal community, new workplace rules, new threats and technology, increased workloads and politicalRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Republicans propose cutting federal pay raises

Would freezing federal worker salaries help cut government costs? House Republicans think so, and are floating the idea as one of several potential government spending cuts. House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) recently launched YouCut, an online contest designed to highlight government projects his colleagues consider wasteful. Participants are asked to vote each week onRead… Read more »

Organization Re-Alignment: Is Your Organization Remaining Competitive?

Interview by Tony Deblauwe Organization Re-Alignment: A Chat with Scott Span of Tolero Solutions Organizational Development & Change Consulting An increasing amount of attention is being placed on how organizations perform business and deliver results. Though there are still plenty of uncertainties, as organizations transition from pure survival mode to competitive growth, many haveRead… Read more »

Performance Management Software Tools

This is an open question to all readers. What kinds of performance management software tools do you use in your agency or organization and can you provide the names of software tools? We have a tool we’ve developed called Gov-Metrics but I’m curious what others are using to assist them in gathering and reporting data.Read… Read more »

Public Service Value Chain links happy staff to citizen confidence

Since I started blogging, I’ve been trying to focus on making performance management practical. I wrote some months ago about the what Fortune magazine called “The World’s Most Modern Management Idea” when companies implemented policies that focused on staff satisfaction, after research linked happy employees to investor profits. This is known as the service valueRead… Read more »

Brownie points, or results?

Using the Gulf oil spill to get clear about measuring Open Government Measure “Open Government”? Yes, but … I think that the success of the Obama Administration’s Open Government effort is critical, but I’m put off, even bored, by the measurement discussions to date. Imagine that you’ve got good reason to believe that your nephewRead… Read more »

Robert Gates surrenders on military pay raise

Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen signaled Thursday that he won’t let a pay raise for military service members derail this year’s Defense Authorization Bill. But Gates said he will “strongly recommend” that President Obama veto the Pentagon budget if it includes an extra engine for the JointRead… Read more »

Official: Contractors will still play ‘a vital role’

By The Post’s Federal Diary columnist Joe Davidson: The mix of government work done by federal employees and that done by outside contractors is out of balance, but the right balance doesn’t necessarily mean having those employees do more of the contractors’ work, the Obama administration planned to tell Congress Thursday. “While contractors play, andRead… Read more »