Posts Tagged: budgeting

The People Side of Change in Technology Implementations

The Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) market is now worth upwards of $21 billion. Going into 2008, Cambridge, Mass.-based market researcher Forrester predicted a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent for ERP solution packages, and that number has continued to climb. The use of technology in the workplace is expanding at an astounding rate.Read… Read more »


Largest Federal Employee Union testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia (WASHINGTON)—Citing the loss of public control over important and sensitive functions in all federal agencies, the American Federation of Government Employees, today, detailed specific recommendations for rebalancing the federal government’s civil service andRead… Read more »

Top 5 Reasons to Upgrade your PC

It was great to engage with the GovLoop community last week for our Knowledge Dialogue forum discussion about the importance of refreshing your PCs. There were some very interesting (and amusing!) thoughts and stories about issues that you all are having with your technology equipment and computers, and how badly you are in need ofRead… Read more »

Lawmakers question Census lease tied to mosque

By Carol Morello and Ed O’Keefe Two Republican lawmakers are raising questions about the U.S. Census Bureau’s decision to lease space in an office building owned by a Falls Church mosque. Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Rep. Darrell Issa of California each sent letters this week to the General Services Administration asking for detailsRead… Read more »

Senate vote on same-sex benefits for gay partners of federal workers ‘within weeks’

The Senate could vote on a bill extending fringe benefits to the same-sex partners of gay federal employees “within weeks” and well before July 4, according to aides to Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.). The Nutmeg State senator is lead sponsor of the measure, which would cost an estimated $310 million through 2020, according toRead… Read more »

Could Obama ask for a federal pay cut?

President Obama last week “encouraged” Spain to follow through with plans for an austerity budget, which includes a 5 percent pay cut for the country’s federal employees. Colleague Chuck Lane endorsed the president’s nudge last week, noting that much of the money the U.S. borrows helps underwrites the International Monetary Fund, which is helping bankrollRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Intranet Makeover, British Columbia Style

So here’s the deal. The entire province of British Columbia just gave their government intranet system a complete facelift and let’s just say the result could be an episode of “Pimp Your Site” if that show even existed. Anyways the public servants in BC are now rocking out with an intranet system that includes drupal,Read… Read more »

4 Little Explored Areas in Contract Transparency

Sterling keeps a blog called All Things Sterling. Transparency. Accountability. Openness. Whatever you want to call it, it’s here to stay. Transparency is young, but contract transparency is an infant. This gives us the opportunity to set the agenda of what it really means and will look like for years to come. GovLoop has alreadyRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Rebound Completed?

Weekly TSP Wrap-up from TSP Talk Rebound runs out of steam The TSP funds were tossed around last week as stocks rebounded earlier in the week, but headed down again by Friday. The jubilance of the Greece bailout on Monday turned to doubt as the euro continued to trade lower. There is lingering concern thatRead… Read more »

My experience attending the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference 2010

I was able to attend from the comfort of my home office. There were many panel discussions but these bullet points are from the discussions on vGov and Virtual World studies to stay in line with the initial discussion about Second Life. I would encourage others to go to their website and check out theRead… Read more »