Posts Tagged: budgeting

No Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore… Time to call KDOT

I was chatting with Patrick Quinn who is the Social Media Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation, about the community efforts taking place in his organization. What follows is some great information, compliments of Patrick (many thanks for your openness). Enjoy. Q. It appears that you have an internally focused community and an externally focused community,Read… Read more »

GovReads! The First 90-Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels

If you’ve started a new position, transitioned into a new role, or planning on making a move in the near future, I’d recommend reading , “The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at all Levels” by Michael Watkins. Michael Watkins is an Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. ThisRead… Read more »

Open Group Publishes Guidlines on Cloud Computing ROI

In an important industry contribution, The Open Group has published a white paper on how to build and measure cloud computing return on investment (ROI). Produced by the Cloud Business Artifacts (CBA) project of The Open Group Cloud Computing Work Group, the document: Introduces the main factors affecting ROI from Cloud Computing, and compares theRead… Read more »

Selling Web 2.0 Technologies to Upper Management

As we work on how to use social networking technologies in Gov 2.0, I thought this article from IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management might be of some interest to practitioners. “The Strategic Implications of Web Technologies: A Process Model of How Web Technologies Enhance Organizational Performance” answers two questions: 1) “How do Web technologies supportRead… Read more »

So You Hired a Gen Y – Now Get The Most Out of Them Through The Gen Y Recruitment and Retention Lifecycle™!

We can’t escape the fact that Gen Y/Millennials are going to transform the workplace over the next five years. By 2014 there will be more than 58 million Millennials employed in various organizations in the U.S. alone. Employers must begin adapting to the challenge of these generations to remain sustainable. Having cross generational strategies forRead… Read more »

Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010

Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010 A new report released by CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health confirms that smoking rates can be significantly reduced if high-impact strategies such as higher cigarette prices, stronger smoke-free laws, aggressive media campaigns, and increased funding for tobacco control programs are implemented across the country. Tobacco Control State Highlights 2010Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 23 Edition)

Local governments look to the cloud, Corpus Christi goes the open source route, with a twist, the Commerce Department wants your opinion and financial fraud victims have a new resource, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Saving resources, having access to advanced features and functionality, and reliable availability and uptime wereRead… Read more »

Change Your Questions- Change Your Outcomes

“New opinions often appear first as jokes and fancies, then as blasphemies and treason, then as questions open to discussion, and finally as established truths.” ~ George Bernard Shaw In a bookstore recently, I perused the books on the shelves and a spotted an intriguing title that jumped out at me: “Change Your Questions- ChangeRead… Read more »