Posts Tagged: budgeting

GovLoop Advisory Board #4 – Steve Kelman

I mentioned earlier this week, we are launching a GovLoop Advisory Board to help us make GovLoop more awesome. For more information, click here.#1 – Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist#2 – Bill Bott, former Missouri Deputy CIO#3 – Anthony Williams, Consultant and Best-Selling co-Author of WikinomicsAnd drum roll for Day 4, please…it’s Steve Kelman, HarvardRead… Read more »

The Next level of employee engagement in the federal government

The US Office of Personnel Management has decided that WE will become the federal governments “test bed” for a relatively new concept called ROWE Results Only Work Environment. News story from Gov Exec ….Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry announced at a White House forum on Wednesday that he is moving 400 agency employeesRead… Read more »

Rallying the Troops… Where’s the General? Where is Maximus?

For the longest time, one quote from the movie “Gladiator” keeps coming back to me again and again. But until recently I haven’t figured how it applies in todays environment. The quote is this, “Today I saw a slave become more powerfulthan the emperor of Rome. The gods have spared me? I am at theirRead… Read more »

Service leaders in the community, nation, and world help answer the question “Why do you serve?”

Original post at Six weeks ago I started a regular Monday segment at that features personal thoughts and reflections on service, written (usually) by those who serve. I get a number of questions about the segment, so decided that I would discuss the idea a bit and recap the stories told since weRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Federal pay stubs going paperless

Happy Tuesday! The federal government will start transmitting pay information for executive branch employees electronically, the Office of Management and Budget announced Monday. The New Orleans-based National Finance Center — which processes payroll statements for more than 140 offices across the three branches of government — plans to start providing leave and earnings statements toRead… Read more »

Member of the Week – Savi Swick

I had the opportunity to speak with Savi Swick who works for the Health and Human Services Agency for the County of San Diego. She is deeply engaged in many county initiatives to better serve the community. I appreciate the time she took to discuss her role and ambitions. Thank you Savi! 1. What isRead… Read more »

Career Disruption Stress or Surviving “The Jack Benny Dilemma”: When It Really Is “Your Money or Your Life”

This week I was the keynote speaker at the Forty Plus annual dinner (, a volunteer-based, Washington, DC, career transition/support group. In general, members are white collar types, e.g., federal employees, managers, IT professionals, academics, even some entrepreneurs, who are “in between jobs.” With only 20 minutes of speaking time, my subject was definitely apt,Read… Read more » Needs to Carry the Public Records Torch

“…only 18% of services enable agencies to comply with public records laws” If you’re viewing your town’s Facebook or Twitter account, chances are the city attorney is still recovering from a social media migraine. And you may think I’m joking, but somewhere in your state a government webmaster is printing comments made on theirRead… Read more »