Posts Tagged: budgeting

Health Care 2010

I know our Country is divided over the new Health Care Bill. In short, the new Health Care Bill will insure coverage for every U.S. Citizen and will cost almost 1 trillion. However, I personally like what it will do in the short term and in the long term. The denial of coverage for preRead… Read more »

PC Refresh Cycle ready to touch down in government?

Earlier this month, NextGov’s Bob Brewin wrote about the Department of Veterans Affairs’ plans for an extensive PC refresh cycle that translates to millions in spending to improve the agency’s technological infrastructure. In Brewin’s article, he notes that “the department owns about 240,000 PCs. The new contract will provide an additional 360,000 computers to supplyRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 8th Week

Biometrics CA – Public to be Consulted Before Biometrics Added to Passports Passport Canada has confirmed it will schedule consultations to gather public input before a plan to incorporate biometric technology into passports moves forward. The consultations are expected to begin in early April. Proponents of the plan say biometric passports, which include such dataRead… Read more »

Unlocking Government – How Data Transforms Democracy (New Research)

My collegue, author and former public servant Bill Eggers, has just completed some great new research that helps illustrate the evolution of government from a data publisher to a development platform for generating maximum public value. You can view the 44 page report here: Click on “Unlocking Government” for the report and a seriesRead… Read more »

Sign of a Bad Contractor – Suing Competitors?

A bad contractor (or subcontractor) can cost your agency time, money and (worst of all) your reputation. Beyond the budget numbers are indicators. One sign I suspect is excessive suing competitors instead of inventing new products and services. Take for example Apple suing HTC over patent infringement. It is my belief that this shows aRead… Read more »

BCFP (nee CFPA) – arguments against

Well, speaking at the American Bankers Association may fall down the list of good ideas for opponents of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection – I know you must remember your audience, but when it’s picked up by others, the arguments can fall flat. See a rebuttal at Credit Slips to Sen. Shelby’s argument thatRead… Read more »

GBE101: economic woes and the consignment promises of tomorrow

Work for fee – not free. by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiners 2009 had to be the worst year ever for economic woes in federal contracts. The Government Business Examiner in talking with numerous industry experts has learned that many consultants and businesses experienced a tough market climate during the past year, but everyoneRead… Read more »