Posts Tagged: budgeting

School Finance Data and HB10-1036

Note: this is a cross-post from my blog, The following is a letter I sent to member of the Colorado General Assembly regarding HB10-1036, which calls for school districts to publish financial data on-line. A good thing, but how the data is published in important. This issue is of importance in light of aRead… Read more »

2010 Legislative Session in Utah

Each year, our legislative session is a real event. For many state leaders, much of what they normally do is temporarily put aside while they collaborate and work on the issues associated with budgeting and bill-making. I’m actually glad to see our legislature more engaged and interested in the issues associated with digital government. ThisRead… Read more »

Call for Proposals: Student Research in Budgeting and Program Analysis

The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) invites master’s candidates in public administration, public policy, and other related disciplines to submit proposals for its 2nd annual award competition for student research. FROM THE BUDGET ACT TO THE RECOVERY ACT AND BEYOND AABPA invites students to submit research topics that analyze the current social,Read… Read more »

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it?

Public Sector is Multi-Sector. Do you believe it? As I wrote previously, I believe that public sector is multi-sector. I continuously see my friends and colleagues who are passionate about public service do it from a number of angles. Some are government employees. Some are contractors. Some are authors. Some run non-profits. But all trulyRead… Read more »

So what is this #localgovchat thingy anyway?

So what exactly is #localgovchat and what do we hope to accomplish? As you can see from our first post, we want to start what we hope to be an ongoing, open dialogue between local government communicators – public relations, community outreach, webmasters, graphic designers – in hopes of sharing ideas, our successes and ourRead… Read more »

Portraying Government Procurement: Is It The Media Or The Culture?

From The Acquisition Corner Recent testimony by Steve Schooner, co-director of The George Washington University’s Government Procurement Law Program, and others before the House Armed Services Committee’s Defense Acquisition Reform Panel, helped paint the picture and made valid points about how the media portrays the federal acquisition environment and the current state it is in.Read… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – Feb 13 – 28

Privacy News Highlights 13–28 February 2010 Contents: EU – Legality of Fingerprint Database to be Tested in Netherlands Court 3 CA – Alberta Retailer Ordered to Stop Credit Checks. 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Cites Sobeys for Collecting Personal Info. 3 CA – Saskatchewan Privacy Boss Decries Denial of New Staff 4 CA – CommissionersRead… Read more »

Five (Not So Serious) Proposals to Make OpenGov Cooler – Add Yours!

More from Andrea Di Maio/Gartner: Open Government Idol. A group of citizen-developers perform in a coding contest which is broadcasted on several media. Besides programming, contestants are expected to read or sing their lines of code aloud. Audience can vote for the best coder based on a combination of usefulness of applications, choice ofRead… Read more »