Posts Tagged: budgeting

2011 Budget Shows Evolution of IT Management Thinking By any measure, the 2011 budget request from the Obama administration is big. But when it comes to federal spending on IT in the next fiscal, it’s clear that the days of high single-digit or double-digit growth are over. Spending will be approximately $80 billion, a slight increase over enacted 2010 spending. But theRead… Read more »

I think the dashboard should be measured against ever changing agency missions along with the metrics stated for each milestone of completion. That will provide new direction of focus and possibly a noticed flexibility for each department to lift the bar as Otis stated earlier.

Analyzing AASHTO’s “Projects and Paychecks: a One-Year Report on State Transportation Successes under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act”

Cross posted from my website: Streetsblog-Capitol Hill’s Elena Schor posted an interesting analysis a report titled Projects and Paychecks: a One Year Report on State Transportation Successes under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (and a website), released yesterday by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the trade group representing stateRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal government CLOSED on Thursday

You’ve living history, Washington: Federal agencies across the nation’s capital will close on Thursday for a fourth straight day — taking the week-long shutdown of the government into uncharted territory. The decision means non-emergency federal workers will be granted excused absences, the Office of Personnel Management said. Emergency employees are expected to report for workRead… Read more »

The Federal Budget made simple

The New York Times did a really good on-line graphic with the federal budget data late last week– so good that even a reporter from the Washington Post gave it kudos. Check it out here:

Federal Eye: Federal government closed on Wednesday

Federal government offices in the Washington region will close on Wednesday for a third straight day, the longest run of snow days for the region’s federal workers since 1996. The decision means non-emergency federal workers will be granted excused absences, the Office of Personnel Management said. Emergency employees are expected to report for work onRead… Read more »

President’s Budget Proposal Continues to Delay Taking a Closer Look at Tax Breaks

In recent hearings before the House Budget Committee, both Peter Orszag (OMB Director) and Jeffrey Zients (OMB Chief Performance Officer) have acknowledged the need to scrutinize “tax expenditures” — i.e. special tax breaks aimed at achieving specific policy goals. Mr. Zients even went so far as to express “100% agreement” with the notion of evaluatingRead… Read more »

FY 2011 Budget on a Wiki?

Does anyone know if the FY 11 budget was worked on a wiki again? I remember reading an article a couple years in the Post about working the budget on a wiki. The wiki I use at work is still facing oppostion 2 years later. Although most get it. I’d like to get a littleRead… Read more »

Ideas on How to Open NASA? Spill!

Are you someone who knows exactly what it takes to make NASA the best agency possible? Do you doodle ideas on cocktail napkins and mail them to a NASA Center? Do you wake up early in the morning to watch Space Shuttle launches (like this morning’s 4:14 a.m. EST STS-130 launch) or stay up allRead… Read more »