Posts Tagged: budgeting

Great Article on GASB 45 Rule

For municipalities with less than 100 employees, there is a low cost and reliable solution to remain compliant with GASB Rule 45. Check out GABS Help and related article below.

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Funding NASA’s future

Happy Friday! Or maybe not, if you work for NASA or dream of going to the moon. President Obama’s budget set for release on Monday effectively proposes the end of the agency’s planned Constellation Program to send Americans back to the moon by 2020. Or, in the words of the the Orlando Sentinel, “There willRead… Read more »

How-To: Manage Your Email Efficiently and Effectively!

This is one of the most daunting tasks a lot of business owners’ face on a daily basis. Here are some quick ways to manage your emails. 1. If you are inundated with emails from various online groups, adjust the settings so that you can receive one daily or weekly email. 2. Create individual foldersRead… Read more »

Government Performance Summit 2010 Announces Session Speakers

Session Topic: Integrating Performance Measures with Your Programs Budget Speaker: JOLENE ANN LAURIA SULLENS Deputy Assistant Attorney General/ Controller, U.S. Department of Justice Session Topic: Predictive Analytics: Getting More from Your Data Speaker: DR. H. WESTLEY CLARK Director, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health andRead… Read more »

NIST Baldrige National Quality Program Launches New Blog

We have created this blog for you because so many people share our passion for excellence and a desire to improve organizations. It’s THE place to discuss, debate, and exchange ideas and lessons learned on all things performance excellence and improvement related. It won’t be the same without your comments, so please join the conversation!Read… Read more »

Crime Statistics: No Prison Sentences for Most Felony Convictions

January 25, 2010 We appreciate your opinions at Gentlereaders: A student was asking about incarceration in the United States. He is aware that the United States is the world’s leader in rates of incarceration per a number of sources. According to the New York Times: “The United States has less than 5 percent ofRead… Read more »

The 90-9-1 Principle of Social Media

Just posted on OZloop – Is this an issue in the States? What are the implications of The 90 – 9 – 1 Principle for Gov 2.0 and citizen participation? And, indeed, for public servants engaging in robust online discussion. Here is a presentation given by Crispin Butteriss of Bang the Table on this issue.Read… Read more »

Conference Report: Legal Information Issues at POGW: Princeton Open Government Workshop

The workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), featured much valuable discussion about legal information. (The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #pogw. An apparently complete collection of tweets from the workshop is available here. My tweets from theRead… Read more »

When Social Location Sharing Meets Government Services

[Note: This is a cross post from my blog, the original can be found here.] I had the opportunity to do some thinking about the future of social media and government a month ago in Vancouver with some very smart people. One of the things that came up (mostly due to our geeky familiarity withRead… Read more »