Posts Tagged: budgeting

Pay for Performance Could Work?

Pretty interesting article on pay-for-performance. What is your take? How important is pay-for-performance? Part of my hypothesis is that “private sector” does not have a perfect pay system themself. Outside of certain roles like sales, lots of jobs have hard time measuring concrete performance and negotiations is truly what makes higher salaries (not performance). OutgoingRead… Read more »

Making Technology a Part of Your City’s Vision

by Sophicity Is technology a part of your city’s long term vision? If not, it should be. While most cities have long term plans for economic development or infrastructure improvement, the prevailing thinking is that IT planning only covers short-term immediate needs that don’t go beyond the next budget cycle. However, such planning is reactionaryRead… Read more »

Congress will debate TSP contributions this session

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio Good news came out of this month’s Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board meeting, including news about how and when you might be able to contribute to your TSP account in the future. Tom Trabucco is director of external affairs for the Board and explains. Hear the entireRead… Read more »

Subcommittee to examine agency energy usage

By Dorothy Ramienski Internet Editor Federal News Radio Can the federal government be doing more to save money and energy? Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) is Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security. He said his committee will start off by holdingRead… Read more »

Great insights from the Massachusetts Governor’s Office on Using Social Media

When I ask those in Government what models they follow for Open Government I regularly hear Massachusetts, and the Governor’s office in particular. I reached out to the Brad Blake, Director, New Media & Online Strategy for the Governor, and he was kind enough to spend a lot of time responding to these questions. WhileRead… Read more »

FAA Soldiers on in Nationwide ATC Upgrade

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) might get the prize for having a mission that’s the simplest to state, but the most complex to implement: Keeping air transportation safe. You have to click two pages deep from FAA’s home page to find its brief mission statement: “Our continuing mission is to provide the safest, most efficientRead… Read more »

Sustainable Open Government

The cry for open government is rising and elected officials are delivering. But in the zeal to throw open the doors to the records vault, no one bothered to fully understand the impact except for those of us who actually work for government. But no one wants to hear from us. Politicians only care aboutRead… Read more »

Los Angeles Budget Challenge: When Surveys Won’t Take No For An Answer

Cross-posted from the Intellitics blog (includes screenshot gallery): Los Angeles Budget Challenge: When Surveys Won’t Take No For An Answer Via Twitter today, I came across a new online consultation by the City of Los Angeles: Los Angeles Budget Challenge How will you balance the City’s budget? The Mayor of the City of Los AngelesRead… Read more »