Posts Tagged: budgeting

EPEAT – Collaborating for the Environment

If you have experienced a successful outcome from a collaborative initiative, you understand what the commitment can achieve. However, most people have experienced unsuccessful collaboration, thus they come into projects with biases and pre-conceived low expectations for success. The job of the process facilitators is to manage those notions and foster real collaboration within theRead… Read more »

Transparency and Accountability through Performance-Based Engagement

Interesting article by Ryan McCullough, Govplace VP of Federal Division, about “Transparency and Accountability through Performance-Based Engagement”. Ryan has firsthand knowledge of applying a performance-based engagement approach to federal IT projects. Of important note, Ryan was awarded 1105 Media’s Rising Star Award for his work in delivering a solution delivery methodology founded in a performance-basedRead… Read more »

Mission Tenants: The missing link in collaboration success

My colleague (and new GovLoop friend) Andrew posted a bang-up deck on measurement earlier today. I love metrics and poring over data, so I refer you to it. Good stuff. Already, organizations that are focused, proactive and disciplined about measurement are seeing good results. For example, last week, my nGenera colleague Laura Carillo presented atRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Dustin Haisler

When I received an invitation to present for the Texas Certified Public Manager in San Marcos, TX, this past week, I immediately thought of Dustin Haisler. Haisler wears many hats for the city of Manor, which is a few miles northeast of San Marcos just outside of Austin. He and his colleagues are finding creativeRead… Read more »

29.6 million small businesses drive the nation’s innovation -WSJ

Interesting article in the WSJ highlighting the contributions of small businesses. WALL STREET JOURNAL — Crashing the White House Jobs Summit Small Business Has Been Left Out of the Recovery, Maybe That’s Why There Are No Jobs By DAVID WEIDNER Dec. 3, 2009 Michaele and Tareq Salahi shocked the nation last week, when they illustratedRead… Read more »

How-To: Use, Yahoo! Pipes, & Twitterfeed for RSS to social media aggregation

Recently, last week in fact, I wrote a little how-to on setting up a combined RSS feed using the free services of Yahoo! Pipes. You’ll recall I went step by step on how to take four different RSS feeds from different blogs and multiple contributor/comments to push them into one single RSS feed containing onlyRead… Read more »

Remarks of OPM Director John Berry at Human Capital Management Forum

From November 17, 2009, 8:15AM Hello! It’s great to be here with all of you at the Human Capital Management Forum. Thank you, Mike Causey, for the kind introduction. It’s a great time for all of us to be serving as Federal HR professionals because we’re at a moment of historic opportunity. Historic opportunityRead… Read more »