Posts Tagged: budgeting

How-To: Cut and Post Your Podcast in Pieces (for Free)

A few weeks ago, we featured the Armed With Science podcast as the GovLoop Project of the Week. Since I am located in Durham, NC, and the team was based in our nation’s capitol, I conducted the interview using Talkshoe, a web-based tool like BlogTalkRadio (the preferred podcast tool of ArmedWithScience and Gov 2.0 Radio).Read… Read more »

Following Your Employees on Twitter

For those of you that run official government Twitter accounts, do you also follow your employees’ personal twitter accounts from your official one? Some businesses in the private sector follow their own employees. This helps with the idea of being more transparent and open. However, with government accounts are there any downsides to do so?Read… Read more »

Budgeteers Unite! Rockstar Budget and Program Analysts Lead the Way to Gov 2.0

Did you know GovLoop has a group called “Budgeteers”? It was created by the American Association for Budget and Program Analysis (AABPA) to gather practitioners and academics in the fields of budget and program analysis. They held an event today at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC, under the theme, “Budgeting in a Changing Environment:Read… Read more »

Code for America hopes to give dot-gov some caché

Coming out of last week’s Web 2.0 Expo in New York City, the industry buzz was focused on the usual – cloud computing, social networking, and what to do with the latest Google innovation. But one catchy hook caught the ears of a few reporters: dot-gov is the new dot-com. One project announced during theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Nov. 23, 2009

Happy Monday! • The Government’s Art: A cool Wall Street Journal sideshow depicts some of the most notable pieces from the collections of the House, Senate and State Department. • More Obama Nominees Announced: The president on Friday tapped Maria Sally Matiella to serve as assistant secretary of the Army for financial management; Paul L.Read… Read more »

Open Government is Change Management… On Steroids

Giovanni Carnaroli, the associate CIO for IT policy oversight at the Department of Transportation, and Jenn Gustetic from Phase One Consulting Group presented at the Open Government: Strategies and Tactics from the Play Book event last week. For those of you that couldn’t make it, we are introducing our thoughts about how to approach OpenRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – Why Gold?

Hi everyone – It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk from Stock got off to pretty good start last week as the major indices were up sharply on Monday, and they held onto those gains as we headed into Thursday. On Thursday, Meredith Whitney, who made a name for herself correctly calling for theRead… Read more »

Tracing the Whys

Reposted from original at When reading the Augustine Committee’s summary report, there was one particular line that really stood out to me. “In fact, the Committee finds that no plan compatible with the FY 2010 budget profile permits human exploration to continue in any meaningful way.” Wow. That is a lot to take in.Read… Read more »