Posts Tagged: budgeting

Increasing Competition Means Raising the Bar on Value

From The Acquisition Corner As part of the Obama Administration’s call for reform of the federal acquisition process, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued a second set of memos with guidance on increasing competition for better outcomes. These memos are a continuation of original OMB guidance released in July, which outlined waysRead… Read more »

Social Production as a Market Strategy – What We Can Learn From U2

Can social production build stronger market economies? Will we create compelling financial incentives and rewards with more social cooperation? “Social production” was cognitively described by Yochai Benkler in the Wealth of Networks. We often think of market and social production as mutually exclusive. We mentally pit financial outcomes against egalitarian “free” outcomes. A good exampleRead… Read more »

Sell Provocatively

No, I don’t mean Victoria’s Secret-kind of provocative. I mean that with recent market downturns, it’s time to provoke your customers into choosing your solutions. For emerging brands of b-2-b solutions, in new market sectors, you can’t rely on old methods. Tightening markets mean thinning leads and sluggish closing velocity, so keep your team’s UniqueRead… Read more »

Family archiving – your book of remembrance on Thanksgiving

Relative to upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday – life outside of the proposal box. Family archiving – your book of remembrance on Thanksgiving by Donna L. Quesinberry, National Writing Examiner Your work of art via a Book of Remembrance or Family Archive Thanksgiving has an appeal that is truly second to none as far as holidays go.Read… Read more »

Focused Crisis Communications Saves Savings and Loan

So how prepared are you, really, for a disaster? How often do you review and update your crisis communications plan? How frequently do your spokespeople go through a refresher media training course? And have they been prepped in working with different types of media and different challenging scenarios? Those organizations with actual plans that areRead… Read more »

GovReads! If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government

Back in late September, I was inspired by a great new book called “If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government.” It’s authored by William D. Eggers and John O’Leary. Eggers is a leading expert on government reform who currently serves as the global director for Deloitte ResearchRead… Read more »

There is a Place for Intolerance in Good Government

In May of this year, I was listening to a senior government official talk about the fact that he has never been able to understand the rush to spend money that every government official is accustomed to each fall. He asked, with a shrewd look, how many corporations in America live by the “Spend everything!”Read… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up

Hi everyone – It’s your govloop weekly dose of TSP Talk from Similar to September and October, the first week of November got off to a very strong start with all of the the major U.S. stock market indices picking up some impressive gains. Over the last few months, being in the TSP stockRead… Read more »

Don’t let your account tweet without you!

There are so many nifty Twitter tools out there, but my enthusiasm was always dampened for the ones that asked for my Twitter username and password. Why on Earth would I trust them? If they were really that good, I would use them and then immediately change my password. Then Twitter introduced OAuth, named forRead… Read more »

This is the second of a two-part post about Software as a Service (SaaS) for performance management. In the first part I provided an introduction to SaaS, defined what it is and touched on some of its applications to performance management. In this second part I’ll detail the various benefits of SaaS including but notRead… Read more »