Posts Tagged: budgeting

Capturing Past Performance Data is Not Enough

From The Acquisition Corner As acquisition reform continues to gain steam, the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy are continuing to craft guidance and procedures to improve the acquisition process in hopes of saving money on contract costs and reduce the use of “high-risk” contract types. These improvements willRead… Read more »

PayPal still thinks Africa is the ‘dark continent’

Image via Wikipedia I just got an email from a friend in Austria. Inspired by a post on LGBT Asylum News he wanted to make a donation to the Sex Workers Outreach Program (SWOP) in Nairobi. The people there are wonderful, and intelligent, and courageous and open-minded people indeed, and they deserve our help andRead… Read more »

Bad user testing beats no user testing

Jakob Nielsen has noted that it’s now twenty years since he started what he calls the ‘discount usability movement’. This might be egging it a wee bit, I’m not sure there is such a ‘movement’ apart from that which Nielsen promotes. It’s true that major companies use discount usability tactics – I noted before howRead… Read more »

Creating Public/Private Partnerships in Development Services

Does your organization strive to get customers involved in development services-related performance? Most communities have recognized that creating a public/private partnership for managing performance is essential for existence. Customers want you to succeed, but they have to be involved to help you. Experience has shown that creating a partnership, involving customers sincerely in your day-to-dayRead… Read more »

President’s SAVE Award – Sounds Wicked Cool

Just talked to OMB about this really cool program…basically the President is reaching out to government workers for ideas to improve government with winners getting awards. To me, these simple programs make so much sense, energize and empower workers, and are good for our nation…. More info below —————————- Today, the White House Office ofRead… Read more »

Hitting a Home Run; Baseball and the Acquisition Process

From The Acquisition Corner An interesting post by Bill Gormley of Washington Management Group described parallels on two of my passions, baseball and improving the acquisition process. It is an interesting read and a fun way of discussing what can be a somewhat difficult process and subject. Some specifics points he makes and my take:Read… Read more »

Surveying Your Customers

Surveying your customers is likely one of the most important things you can embark upon in the development processing system. Customers can be brutally honest if the survey process is confidential and timely. However their feedback often provides clarity on priorities for improvements, bottleneck areas, and generally gives a snapshot about frustrations they have experienced.Read… Read more »

Create Web Metrics Reports that Rock

Join Jennifer Veesenmeyer of Stratigent for Web Manager University’s webinar: Creating Web Metrics Reports that Rock to learn how good metrics can help you build a strong business case for your web efforts. Webinar Description: A great web metrics report can be a powerful tool to communicate business insights. In this webinar, Jennifer Veesenmeyer willRead… Read more »

Breaking a Bottle on the New Digital Sandbox Site

PeakTwo is pleased to announce the launch of a new site for our client Digital Sandbox, a heavy hitter in risk analysis software and threat assessment consultation. Development required aligning several objectives: From a messaging standpoint, the site has to convey rock-solid solution performance and an ironclad understanding of security objectives for state, local, andRead… Read more »