Posts Tagged: budgeting

Updates on Recent and Upcoming Performance Management Events

It’s been a little while, but I have a few upcoming posts on performance management. In the meantime, here are a few upcoming events that are of relevance in the government performance management realm: The Community Indicators Consortium (CIC) holds its international conference in Bellevue, Washington this year on Oct 1-2. CIC is a greatRead… Read more »

When the Lack of Oversight on Government Contracts Has Dire Consequences

From The Acquisition Corner One of the most blatant examples of contractors running amok with little to no oversight has come to light recently as a result of an investigation and subsequent report by the Project on Government Oversight (POGO). This report was created based on information from current and former employees of ArmorGroup NorthRead… Read more »

The Role of Performance Indicators During Fiscal Stress

By: Anthony Rainey Anthony Rainey is treasurer and CFO of Hyattsville, MD. In 1975 Peter Drucker (Management: Tasks, Responsibilities and Practices) identified five prioritization and performance approaches of successful organizations: They clearly define the nature and scope of their function, mission and activities. They set clear objectives. They set priorities, concentrate on the objectives andRead… Read more »

ARRA Transparency: High National Expectations Meet State and Local Fiscal Realities

Thursday, September 24, 2009 3:15 pm with check in beginning at 3:00 pm Washington Marriott Hotel 1221 22nd St NW; Washington, DC This event is FREE for AABPA members, but requires advance registration by September 18 (Non-members may attend by registering for the accompanying ABFM conference.) RSVP at The session will be hosted byRead… Read more »

Lessons from the great 2009 Birmingham City Council website disaster

The night before last – and in the night – Birmingham City Council without much fanfare switched over to its rejigged website. Within moments the twittersphere was alight. It was crashing, it had obvious faults and it looked terrible. Over the next 36 hours reviewer after reviewer found fault after fault. This would not beRead… Read more »

Fiscal Event: “Going for Broke? The Fiscal Future After the Economic Crisis”

Sponsored by The George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration and The School of Media and Public Affairs Friday- September 18, 2009 805 21st Street NW Media and Public Affairs Building First Floor 8:00am to 5:30pm with Reception to Follow Please RSVP by September 14th to [email protected] Featuring Doug Holtz-Eakin, FormerRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Summit – Clay Johnson

Clay Johnson of Sunlight Labs: 47 Open Source Projects….10k, 5k, 2,500 prizes. Local spending – Uses HTML 5 to pick budget for area. Does it for local recovery as well. FBI Fugitive Concentration – Memory card game – probability of how likely your flight will be delayed timeline – plot of the timelineRead… Read more »

3-D Group Combat-Intervention at the Burning Out and Burning Up Battlefronts: Using Discussion-Drawing-Diversity to Disarm Conflict and Build Camaraderie-Community

Being a conference or retreat speaker and “Motivational Humorist” sounds like a lot of fun; and it usually is. However, sometimes you are asked to intervene with a group that’s under siege. At these times, the tension and acting out of frustration between management and employees or mistrust within the diverse employee ranks is palpableRead… Read more »

Engaging the public in policy using blogs as discussion forums

I work at the US Environmental Protection Agency, and we’re trying out some old tools in new ways. Currently, our enforcement office is using two blogs to post concepts and then taking comments from anyone who wants to join in. 1) Setting environmental enforcement priorities 2) Establishing a plan to improve enforcement of the CleanRead… Read more »