Posts Tagged: budgeting

7 days and a 100 cities

Last week I posted about sending a request to several (100) cities whom used Google Analytic. The request was to be added to the GA account you can see the full request here So here is the results of what I have received so far. Time to be responded to. (with 26 responses) 1Read… Read more »

Burn After Reading – Why knee jerk reactions need to be kept at bay

About a year ago my boss, a seasoned recruiter and government employee, called a staff meeting. He predicted the tough economic times to come and although he ended the meeting on a hopeful note, he warned us of the oddities we would begin to see in human behavior. Inevitably, when times get tough, people beginRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Postmaster General On Obama’s Postal Comments

Happy Thursday! Postmaster General John Potter weighed in on President Obama’s recent comments about the Postal Service on Wednesday afternoon, doing his best to boost morale amid the mail service’s worsening financial condition. In his message to employees, Potter recounted that Obama and lawmakers have invoked the Postal Service’s financial woes as an example ofRead… Read more »

Knowledge@Wharton: Information Security: Why Cybercriminals are Smiling

Hardly a week goes by without some new internet security snafu being reported. And with web usage exploding, expect to hear about a lot more. According to a new analysis from Forrester Research, the number of Internet users is forecast to grow 45% globally over the next four years, reaching 2.2 billion by 2013. MoreRead… Read more »

100 Cities that use Google Analytics

Why would I care well since the GA control panel can give out so much information I have written each of the cities asking for permission to be add to the security of GA with my Gmail account. This task takes less then 5 minutes and should give no private information. Being in control ofRead… Read more »

Grant Funds Available for Journal Articles on Budgeting

Public Financial Publications (PFP), the publisher of Public Budgeting & Finance (PB&F), is pleased to announce a program of financial support for new, strong academic research in the federal budget and the federal budget process. Unprecedented challenges face the federal government in the next several years as it confronts extraordinary fiscal challenges. In that environment,Read… Read more »

Countdown to End of Fiscal Year

And here it comes …. the end of year push. This is the real fun part of the year. This is when everyone, on the financial side of the government, lives off of coffee, doughnuts, and pizza. 🙂 And somehow, for two months, we live with only 4 hours of sleep everynight (if that much).Read… Read more »

Survive and Thrive: Adjust Pricing

Pricing adjustment is key to having a successful sale in a recession. It is a best practice to continuously monitor your prices of goods and/or services in your industry. Competitive Pricing The first step in competitive pricing is to check your competitors’ prices in person or online. If you cannot beat your competitor, offer somethingRead… Read more »

Is the Mainframe going the way of the “DouDou” when it comes to Legacy Modernization?

As I go about evangelizing how my firm assist’s organizations and agencies keep the most valued countenance’s of a legacy system….dependability, security and accessibility with the common goal of increasing agility, It seems ‘legacy’ has become a dirty word. The high financial impact of mainframe licenses combined with the realization of a decreasing workforce ofRead… Read more »

Citizen Connectivity – Local Governments provide insight into need for Web 2.0

I just read NSCL’s Gene Rose’s post in the State Thicket, “Are Budget Challenges Affecting Public’s Satisfaction with State Governments?” Gene comments on the recent report from the Pew Research for the People & the Press and its finding that there is a sharp decline from 2008 numbers in the public’s opinion of their stateRead… Read more »