Posts Tagged: budgeting

New Guidance for Executive Budget Offices

July Monthly Program: OMB Circular A-11 – 2009 Revisions Thursday, July 23, from 12 noon to 1pm Circular A-11 from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provides guidance to agencies on preparing and submitting their budget requests for the upcoming year and instructions on budget execution for the current fiscal year. The A-11 includesRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.19.2009

Hello! Good evening, Today’s tweets are very short. The weather here has been unseasonably cool (85) and we are just giddy. So, I am assuming, because I want to, that all of you are being blessed with the same wonderful weather! And I’m guessing everyone was outside playing today instead of posting. As I wentRead… Read more »

Using Performance Metrics to Manage

In the final installment on a performance management framework, we’ll look at using performance metrics and analysis in order to effectively manage agencies and their programs by using remediation and corrective actions. We’ve already covered the first and second steps, and will focus on the final two in this posting (all four are listed justRead… Read more »

America’s State Parks – A Natural Stimulus Program

Perhaps you have seen articles that have mentioned the impact the recession has had on parks. Basically, more people are going to parks for recreation than ever before and funding for many park systems is threatened by shrinking government revenues. Camping Blogger’s recent article “State Parks Still Under Pressure” really hit the mark. At aRead… Read more »

Recruiting a Chief of Staff (Physican) for VA San Diego ASF#09-126 The VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) provides a comprehensive array of healthcare services for approximately 60,000 veterans in San Diego and Imperial Counties with an operating budget of over $357 million and over 2,400 employees and more than 5,000 active staff, volunteers, trainees or contractors. VASDHS consists of one of VHA’s mostRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week: NNSA Summer Student Intern Program

Led by John Barry at the US Office of Personnel Management, the Federal government intends to make significant strides toward streamlining the hiring process in the near term. In the meantime, intern programs remain one of the most effective ways for agencies to attract and get acquainted with potential employees. has a lengthy listRead… Read more »

Stop Second Guessing About the Stimulus Package

As pundits debate the effectiveness of the stimulus package, a new study released by the Government Business Council (GBC) says that agencies feel “overwhelmed” and “anxious” about the ability to successfully implement designed programs. These concerns reflect the current reality of an economy that continues to falter, with a rising unemployment rate, expected to exceedRead… Read more »

Discovering Your Passion through Humble Practice and Outrageous Play

A playful challenge from an audience member helps bring to life the importance of searching for and developing your passion, whether in the face of skepticism, long periods of self-doubt and/or having to accept (even better, learn to play with and laugh at) your own flaws and foibles. Setting the stage for the dramatic closeRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.12.2009

Happy anniversary to GovLoop! Flowers for Steve (obviously, not my roses …that are full of holes from nasty Japanese beetles …) We need a Rose Garden Czar. And by the way, since we are all about transparency and such, where is the pay-scale for those 30-odd folks published? Image by Jack Duval via Flickr PartiesRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.09.2009

I’m back— I have been on vacation! hehe I understand while I was away, some of you federal folks had some problems with computer viruses, or such. Last week, a Trojan horse invaded my computer. When I ran my very sophisticated internet security software, it indicated that the problem *might* have originated from a fileRead… Read more »