Posts Tagged: budgeting

Sweet GovTweets 06.17.09

Greetings! Here is the summary of tweets for yesterday (sorry, I got really busy). Even with all of the multiple posts, RT’s, etc removed, this was the busiest tweetstream for GovLoop I have seen so far. Lots of additions to @GovTwit. Lots of promotion for the privacy conference on Saturday (so, y’all sign up andRead… Read more »

First Reactions to the CFPA White Paper

“[T]he white paper may get beaten black and blue. There is unease on Capitol Hill over an expanded role for the Fed, continued balkanisation and much else. Bank lobby groups support systemic regulation but will waste no time trying to water down the consumer agency and persuade lawmakers that higher capital requirements will curb lendingRead… Read more »

The government wants change. Will they bring in the right cultural experts to make it happen?

NOTE: This is my column from my Women’s Entrerepreneur column that I write for the DC Examiner. This and past columns can be found at Last week I attended an Excellence in Government breakfast at the National Press Club. The panel spoke on “Human Capital” and the future of civil service. Allow me toRead… Read more »

Interesting study

Perhaps rephrasing to “wordy PowerPoint Presentations and their effect on learning” From The Association for Psychological Science More Talk, Less Chalk: Lexically Sparse Slides Improve Recall of Taught Material Classroom use of presentation software, whereby information is simultaneously delivered verbally and visually, risks overloading students’ working memory and impairing learning. We compared traditional and lexically-sparseRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 creating multiple personality disorder?!

Loved Adam Arthur’s post just now about tools to manage social profiles, he suggests apps like that have been very helpful and other new ones that I will have to try out. But this led me to a related question: How do you manage what “profile” to take on for any given tool /Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.15.2009

Monday, Monday! Some very good conversations and resources today. Enjoy. Caroline @WiiPigSooie WiiPigSooie Blog david_tallan: @shaneschick I think Gov 2.0 will make boundaries of government more porous to broader civic ecosystem incl. citizens #gov20 25 minutes ago from UberTwitter • Reply • View Tweet adrielhampton: Check out GovLoop today for short @GovFresh interviews with #Gov20Read… Read more »

AG’s FSIS is “Tweeting”!

The US Governments USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service (that’s group that recalls all of the spinach and peanut butter, well they started a twitter account and launched some “web 2.0” and RSS stuff … a great move not just to get the public informed, but to get us involved!

New Regulations this Week!!!

Everyone is interested in the new financial industry regualation that will be proposed and debuted this week. I intend this posting to be a primer on some of the issues which are being discussed during the week. Some of the issues being discussed on the internet include: Regulatory Arbitrage – banks and financial institutions usingRead… Read more »

Performance Management Analysis

Continuing our exercise in developing a performance management framework, a summary of the necessary steps for a successful program follows: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or dataRead… Read more »