Posts Tagged: budgeting

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets -The 2009 Federal Workforce Policy Forum (#ingov)

All times are Pacific Time June 10, 2009 6:01 am InnoGOV: Federal Workforce Policy Forum is about to start in just a few minutes… follow along using hashtag #INGOV 6:12 am InnoGOV: going thru the room & introducing ourselves…lots of great HR ppl from various fed agencies! #INGOV 6:16 am InnoGOV: In one word, whatRead… Read more »

Twitter set to introduce “verified” accounts this summer…what a relief!… or is it?

This summer, Twitter is apparently planning to introduce “verified” accounts for celebrities, public officials, government agencies “and other well known individuals at risk of impersonation.” At first blush, this sounds like a good move: it will put many public affairs shops at ease and will level the playing field for agencies coming late to theRead… Read more »

Do You Know Your Agency’s Twitter Policy…?

Note: This post is of my own personal opinion and is not endorsed or supported by any local, state, or federal government agency. Better yet, do you even have one? Twitter is all you hear nowadays. Tweet me this, retweet me that! Government is getting more involved with Twitter and see what a powerful communicationsRead… Read more »

33 years

Tomorrow, my husband, Ed, and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. In 1976, the Bicentennial celebration was in full swing, Jimmy Carter was elected president, and disco was not dead. Since I paid for my own wedding and I had just graduated from college (which I also paid for), our wedding was a moreRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.11.09

Good Morning! The most popular RT today was “Army orders bases to stop blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.” It was RT’d about a billion times. (Statements without data are just opinions 😉 ) Caroline Vetmomof2: @brinex you should check out @govloop they had question about Amazon EC2? 9 minutes ago from web • Reply •Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Security at U.S. Embassy in Kabul Panned

Lawmakers grilled representatives of the State Department and a private security firm today on the details and administration of a contract to provide protective services at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, suggesting that the company’s deficiencies in the past two years may have placed the compound at risk of an attack. Deputy Assistant SecretaryRead… Read more »

FEI’s upcoming Open Enrollment Programs

Below is information on a selection of FEI’s upcoming open enrollment programs. For more information and to see the complete listing of classes, visit Building High Performing Organizations in the 21st Century This advanced program offering is based on three key assumptions: -You are an expert in your organization based on your years ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Zients Gives the Public Sector Some Love

Addressing concerns that he lacks familiarity with the public sector, President Obama’s nominee to serve as the nation’s first chief performance officer acknowledged today that his business background has not blessed him with all the solutions necessary to tweak government management and recruitment plans. “I very much recognize and appreciate that government is different fromRead… Read more »

If it Matters, Measure It (and share the metrics!)

This blog entry originally appeared at Reach The Public. One of my first mentors who ran a region of what was then called Ameritech (a baby bell in the midwest), had a saying, “If you value it, measure it.” The larger the organization, the more this holds true. In government, tracking results and sharing resultsRead… Read more »

How to design for .gov

Like this … Sample Twitter reaction ‘IT ROCKS!’ I am reminded of the Mac o/s interface though :] (which, woods’n’trees, apparently hadn’t crossed their minds). Immediately appealing, the just redesigned site has very strong usability – this was the central aim of the redesign. Behind the scenes it makes use of – I thinkRead… Read more »