Posts Tagged: budgeting

The Official White House Twitter Has Been Launched!

The Whitehouse has official taken the plunge into microblogging and launched their official twitter account @whitehouse today. Another milestone in government 2.0 and social media has been reached. The Official White House Twitter URL: The account was set up and first tweet posted about 2 hours ago putting the time of official release atRead… Read more »

Project of Week – Open Forum Foundation

I met Wayne at Gov 2.0 Barcamp on one Sunday morning as a group of volunteers were planning the eventual conference. I was impressed with his ideas and thought processes and was wondering what he was up to. That day and at the actual Gov 2.0 Barcamp he told me about his group “Open ForumRead… Read more »

Demotech Finds Losses in 2008 Worst Ever for Title Insurance Industry

The 2008 financial results for the Title insurance industry were less than stellar. In fact, it was the worst year ever recorded in the history of “Demotech Performance of Title Insurance Companies.” See: I can point to several reasons for this, but the one that comes to mind first is the same one inRead… Read more »

Calling All Efficiency Experts

President Obama stated during his weekly radio address last Saturday that he is actively soliciting ideas from federal workers at all levels for making government more efficient. Although plans are forthcoming, Government Executive has created a forum for suggestions using Google moderator. Here is the URL for submitting ideas: If you do not have,Read… Read more »

Changing Washington: Obama’s First 100 Days

On his first day in office, President Obama began acting on his campaign promise to “change the way Washington does business.” His first directive to agencies articulated a set of principles of how he wants the government to do its business: more transparency in how government does it work, more citizen participation via the Internet,Read… Read more »

Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Federal Performance Reporting: Lessons from the OMB Pilot Program

In 2006, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) authorized the Performance and Accountability Reporting (PAR) Pilot Program, which permitted executive branch agencies to use an alternative approach to reporting financial and performance information. Eleven departments and agencies volunteered to participate in the FY 2007 PAR Pilot Program. Three initiatives were held to assess andRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: NASA Shuttle Retirement Postponed … Maybe

NASA’s Congressional supporters appear to have bought some time in their efforts to ease the Space Shuttle program’s hard retirement date, as the House and Senate conference agreement on the budget resolution reached this week would fund Shuttle missions beyond September 2010. The storied Space Shuttle program is set to end at that time toRead… Read more »

Running Business Like a Government

I absolutely love this article and thought I would share it with the GovLoop Community. Government managers are often told that they should look to the private sector on how to run their organizations. While government can certainly learn from best practices in the private sector, I have included a piece below that talks aboutRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru, GovLoop’s Bureacurat on Sports, Entertainment, and Whatever Else is Important in the World – News and Notes

Hola, GovLoopers… it’s been a while since the Hokie Guru’s presence graced GovLoop.. and please don’t talk or write in the passive voice like that… only trained bloggers can do that!! 🙂 Hey, let’s step back… into 1989… Man, if you had long hair between 1989 and 1992, any major record label signed you toRead… Read more »