Posts Tagged: budgeting

Unemployment “MEDIA” reports.

Just a fair warning to get all you facts before doom-and-gloom is announced. Yes, the unemployment rate is rising in this country, but for differing reasons. My belief (theory) is a challenging one at best. I do agree that the financial CRASH contributed to a vast part of the overall numbers for businesses around theRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Anita Arile, Management Analyst, Government of Guam

After what seemed like a very long and cold winter in Washington, DC, we are finally experiencing the greatest weather ever! No rain in sight, at least not this weekend. Sunny skies, 70-degree weather, who could ask for more? It reminds me of my time in Tucson, Arizona…how I miss those hot blasting rays allRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Who Are Jeffrey Zients and Aneesh Chopra?

President Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address to announce plans to nominate businessman Jeffrey Zients to be the federal government’s first chief performance officer and Virginia Secretary of Technology Aneesh Chopra to be chief technology officer. The announcement came during an address focused on the administration’s plans to root out government waste andRead… Read more »

Meeting Notes from April 17th ACT-IAC Content Delivery Committee

ACT/IAC Content Delivery Committee Teleconference April 17, 2009 Meeting Attendees: Martha Przysucha, Program Chair, C&T SIG Tchad Moore, Group Lead, Applied Web 2.0, C&T SIG Tom Suder, Group Lead, Web 2.0 Technologies, ET SIG Angela Norris, ACT Top 10 Committee Lead, Program Committee Mary Davie, Acting Asst Commissioner for Customer Accounts and Research, GSA FASRead… Read more »

AABPA Conference Tweets

The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis held its spring 2009 symposium today – who knew budget could be so interesting? For a window into some sessions, search Twitter using kwooleyy #aabpa. Michele Heffner, OpenGov, described the lively conversations about Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration that took place on the MAX Federal Community a fewRead… Read more »

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders Selling to the government can be a lucrative long term investment. A company who has done their homework and understands the process and time frames, obstacles, paperwork and financial investment involved will be successful. Government sales should be evaluated to in the same way you would evaluate sellingRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Bo the Dog’s DOT Connections

In arguably the most unusual example of kissing up to the big boss, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is highlighting his agency’s connections to Bo the Dog, the new First Pup. The dog is “truly a cute and energetic addition to the thriving Obama household,” LaHood writes in his “Fast Lane” blog. “Turns out that youngRead… Read more »

Part 1 of 3- Twitterrific! The Most Useful Web 2.0 Apps/Tools For Twitter

If you are trying to implement twitter in your business or government social networking efforts, these apps and tools may “expand your horizons” for better use. First twenty for review: 1. TwitterAnalyzer: lets you see different statistic charts about you and your Twitter friends’ behavior at the site. 2. MicroPlaza: filters your Twitter timelineRead… Read more »


Don’t miss your chance to attend this intensive half-day seminar! Explore the challenges of Information Assurance in an interactive forum. Attendees will: Engage with peers and expert faculty on the military’s Information Assurance strategies and its role in cyber warfare Discover emerging technologies impacting Information Assurance requirements Discuss current threats and trends in Cyber Security,Read… Read more »

Business issues driving Enterprise 2.0

According to KMWorld Magazine, business issues driving the use of Enterprise 2.0 are in this order: Improving customer service and support Improving corporate communications/PR/Reputation Improving worker productivity Improving BI and decision support Supporting sales Improving R&D Improving sourcing and procurement Improving governance, risk, and compliance Supporting financial processes Other