Posts Tagged: budgeting

2009 Top Ten Most Wanted Documents

1. Public Access to All Congressional Research Service Reports (Legislative Branch) 2. Information About the Use of TARP and Bailout Funds (Executive Branch) 3. Open and Accessible Federal Court Documents Through the PACER System (Judicial Branch) 4. Current Contractor Projects (Executive Branch) 5. Court Settlements Involving Federal Agencies (Judicial Branch) 6. Access to Comprehensive InformationRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Census 2010: One Year Away

Census Day 2010 is exactly one year from today, and this week 140,000 temporary Census employees start fanning out nationwide to start accounting for every single American address. Originally designed for next year’s follow-up visits, the GPS-enabled devices instead will be used only this year due to concerns about how well they would operate inRead… Read more »

AABPA Announces Speakers for Symposium on Financial Crisis

American Association for Budget and Program Analysis 2009 Spring Symposium April 16, 2009 Capital Hilton Hotel 16th and K Streets, NW, Washington, DC Farragut North Metro, Red Line McPherson Square Metro, Orange and Blue Lines TRANSFORMING CRISIS INTO OPPORTUNITY AABPA is pleased to announce the following additional panelists will be joining us on April 16:Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Camp: from the Twitterstream

Here’s another one of my soon to be patented (:->) reports from a conference I didn’t attend, brought to you through the benificence of the Twitterverse. Unfortunately, it isn’t as complete as I’d like. After TransparencyCamp, when I discovered that the Twitter Search runs out after 100 pages of history, I new I’d have toRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama’s Latest Signing Statement

Talk about a minor technicality! President Obama issued a signing statement yesterday objecting to one minor item in the monster Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009. At issue is whether Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has to consult with lawmakers when making appointments to an obscure commission. The omnibus comprises more than 150 individual billsRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Don Horn, Director, PBS Sustainability Program, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, GSA Public Buildings Service

Thanks so much to Don Horn for taking the time to be interviewed. Don Horn is Director, PBS Sustainability Program, Office of Federal High-Performance Green Buildings, GSA Public Buildings Service What is your current position? I’m director of the Sustainability Program for the Public Buildings Service of the General Services Administration, so it’s green federalRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Fri. 27th March, 2009 edition

Apologies in advance for errors (gov20camp stuff not included) @ed_dodds: Road Map for Financial Recovery: Radical Transparency Now! #gov20camp #honda #opengov #gov20 #xbrl @silanthia: Online townhall from whitehouse is online. No prescreen for questions. Todays was on economy. #ofq #opengov #gov20 @myerman: What if citizens created a usable, friendly Austin city govt wiki?Read… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Wednesday 25th March, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: Social Media & Govt’s conference #ALI @johnstauffer: Great post from @kellyobrien about the vibe in room this versus last during the Social Media & Govt’s confr #ali @mbado: Use enterprise 2.0 to connect people, information and ideas– breaking down those “cylinders of excellence” #ali @kellyobrien: #ali BAH’s Christy Cunningham:Read… Read more »

ASPA Annual Conference Event: Governance, Leadership and Council-Manager Government Reform

For students, earning their MPAs, this event was fantastic. The research presented at this event really focused on the City Manager vs. The Executive Mayor. The major conclusion was that the smaller the population, budget, and problems are, the better a strong council oriented system would work. However, as the population, budget, and complexity ofRead… Read more »