Posts Tagged: budgeting

“Sweet GovTweets” – Friday 20th March 2009

(Republishing it since it disappears for some and not others.) Apologies for errors in advance: @you2gov: @wefollow #OpenGov #Gov20 #Politics @justgrimes: Good questions about archives, records management, digital preservation. Historical transparency is important #opengov @justgrimes: Archives & transparency; exactly what I’m writing about right now the importance and imperative of government web2.0 record keepingRead… Read more »

States Using Twitter to Convey Information About Stimulus Spending

I’ve found two states, Colorado and Nebraska, that are tweeting their spending of stimulus money. @CO_recovery @recoverynegov Examples from Nebraska feed: First Recovery Funds Awarded for State Road Improvements: Gov. Dave Heineman today an.. PM Mar 17th from twitterfeed Food Stamp Benefits to Increase in April: Food stamp benefits will increase starting ..… Read more »

Federal Eye: Earl Devaney’s Recommended Reading

Earl Devaney has a bookmark for reporters: “My vision here is that every reporter in America will wake up and click on this site and be looking for problems. They’ve already started, by the way,” he told city and county officials yesterday during a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Devaney, chairman ofRead… Read more »

Oversight and the Stimulus Law

This event is still several weeks away, but with all of the talk about ARRA, government oversight, and transparency, I thought people might be interested in the AABPA April Program Meeting; open to members and non-members. Oversight and the Stimulus Law In the months following the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA),Read… Read more »

Federal Managers Association 71st National Convention

Over one hundred delegates gathered in Arlington at the Doubletree Hotel for their 71st National Convention. The delegates heard the keynote remarks from the Honorable Darrell Issa Rep. of the 49th District of California and the Ranking Member of the House Government Reform Committee. In his remarks Rep. Issa spoke about the bipartsian approach heRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru on AIG

Gettin’ close to Spring, Govloopers 🙂 It’s that time when the weather gets warmer and the cherry blossoms bloom in the Washington, DC area. The Hokie Guru rarely talks politics on this site because he’s always thought of Govloop as an online community that is about improving government. However, when it’s in the public interest,Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama Marks VA’s 20th Anniverary

President Obama marked the 20th anniversary of the Department of Veterans Affairs today, saying the coming year “will be the true test” of the department’s mission to provide assistance to the nation’s veterans, as many start returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. “Until we reach a day that not a single veteran sleeps on our nation’sRead… Read more »

Security Guidance on Social Media

NIST has posted for public comment a draft of NIST Special Publication 800-53 (Revision 3), Recommended Security Controls for Fedral Information Systems and Organizations. This revision is the first major update of NIST Special Publication 800-53 since December 2005. The proposed draft standard PL4 from the document contains a control enhancement that applies to postingRead… Read more »

Government Job Prospects in the Current Economy…. Thoughts and Concerns

Hello … Some of my classmates and I had a discussion over lunch today about job prospects for MPA graduates in the next 12-18 months. Those of us that are not currently in the full-time work force would be by that time. As a someone currently working for the great (not so great budget) StateRead… Read more »