Posts Tagged: budgeting

5 Leadership Lessons from the IRS Scandal – Plus Your Memorial Day Reads!

Almost two weeks have passed since the Internal Revenue Service first publicly admitted to singling out conservative groups. What we know: In short, the IRS targeted certain conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status for extra scrutiny at beginning in 2010, according to an inspector general’s report. Lois G. Lerner, the agency official who oversees tax-exempt groups,Read… Read more »

Don’t Mess With Texas: Can State Advertising Save the Environment?

Texas Department of Transportation’s anti-littering campaign celebrates twenty-five years of success We have all heard the phrase “Don’t Mess with Texas,” but very few people outside of Texas know its origins. In 1985, the Texas Department of Transportation introduced the slogan as part of a statewide advertising campaign to reduce littering on Texas roadways. Twenty-fiveRead… Read more »

Hawaii Changes Probation Program – Saves Millions – Named One of the Best Innovations of the Year

Swift, certain, consistent and proportionate – that is the motto of the new probation program making waves in Hawaii. The program – called HOPE – has reduced recidivism by 51% and has been recognized by Harvard University’s Ash Center as one of the ‘Top 25 Innovations in Government.” (See the full list of the TopRead… Read more »

GSA asks Acting Administration Tangherlini to stay put – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The White House is ushering a new normal when it comes the federal government’s data. The new policy is forcing agencies to make data accessible and open. We go over the new openness plan with the Sunlight’s policy director, John Wonderlich. The SEVEN stories that impact your life President Obama hasRead… Read more »

Sequester Cuts Impact Oklahoma Disaster Relief – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Turning data into decisions, it sounds obvious but for large organizations compiling, formatting and interpreting vast amounts of data can be almost impossible. But Army Lieutenant Colonel Bobby Saxon and his team have created a system that does just that for the Army. It’s called Enterprise Management Decision Support System (EMDS).Read… Read more »

GAO: Agencies Miss Savings Without Strategic Sourcing

Federal agencies saved 4 percent on the $307 billion they spent to acquire services during fiscal year 2012. That percentage would equate to $12 billion by using strategic sourcing to acquire services for engineering and information technology, the Government Accountability Office says in a report dated April 15. Under strategic sourcing, agencies use an aggregateRead… Read more »

Senate Won’t Investigate IRS – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: A couple of years ago it seemed you couldn’t talk about government without thinking about dashboards. They were everywhere. But then the fad started to fade. But now with the emergence of big data and data analytics, dashboards are making a resurgence. The SEVEN stories that impact your life Sen. MaxRead… Read more »

OPM Advertises Vacant CIO Post, Seeks IT Leadership

The Office of Personnel Management has begun advertising its vacant chief information officer post on USAJobs and the candidate will be responsible for the agency’s information technology plans and policies. OPM will accept applications through 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on May 30 and OPM’s executive resources board will make a recommendation on final selection ofRead… Read more »