Posts Tagged: budgeting

The President signs the 2013 budget – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

It’s Telework Week here on the DorobekINSIDER. Each day we will follow a trendsetters in telework. On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Telework Week continues with columnist Suzanne McGee who says flexibility in work schedules is the only way to retain top talent. Click here for the full recap. It seems everywhere you look these days agenciesRead… Read more »

2014 Budget Takes Center Stage in Congress – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

Happy Monday: It’s Telework Week here on the DorobekINSIDER. Each day we will follow one or two trendsetters in telework. On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: All week the DorobekINSIDER will be talking about telework. Last month Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer outlawed telework at her company. The reaction to the news was swift on both sides. WithRead… Read more »

The Sequestration and You: How Are Cuts Affecting the Government-Citizen Relationship?

The sequester continues to affect a myriad of agencies, many of which have already been suffering from being under-funded and under-staffed. One such agency has been the National Archives. Last week, the National Archives announced significant cuts to its hours of operation. Archives I in Washington D.C. will end exhibit hours at 5:30pm instead ofRead… Read more »

Latest findings from a survey of 220 public service professionals

Winter 2013 PSRPanel Quarterly Questionnaire, conducted by 220 public service professionals, in January, covered a range of topics related to public service and current affairs. Continuing brighter outlook on the direction of the country: Increasingly, panelists see the country overall as heading in the right direction (59%), continuing an upward trend seen over our lastRead… Read more »

Government Big Data: What’s Next? Experts Give Insight

Big data continues to be a hot topic in government. Yesterday, GovLoop, EMC, and Carahsoft took the discussion to the next level by hosting a live webinar Government Big Data: What’s Next? Topics ranged from how agencies are using analytics to manage data, making data more accessible, and innovative solutions to storing mass quantities ofRead… Read more »

Balancing sequestration and your regular duties

The headlines surrounding sequestration have slowed down, but that doesn’t mean its gone away for feds. In fact, the effects of sequestration are piling up at agencies. Leaders at all levels are feeling the pressure about how to get their work done and deliver vital services to the American public, particularly with sequestration and theRead… Read more »

Funding the Government: What’s Moving and What’s Not

Originally posted at the Government Affairs Institute The continuing resolution (CR) that passed in the House on March 6 was expected to easily pass in the Senate last week (wait a minute; did I just say “easily pass in the Senate”?). Both bills would fund the government at sequester level spending through September 30. TheRead… Read more »

HUD Say It Will Furlough All Workers For A Week – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Government Accountability Office has looked at the growing number of cybersecurity threats facing our nation. And it’s no small number. The GAO says the increase in cyber attack reported to CERT in the last 6 years has grown by 782%. There were 5,500 incidents in 2006, last year there wereRead… Read more »

Assessing the Nation’s Cybersecurity Strategy – 782% increase in cyber-attacks in 6 yrs.

The Government Accountability Office has looked at the growing number of cybersecurity threats facing our nation. And it’s no small number. The GAO says the increase in cyber attack reported to CERT in the last 6 years has grown by 782%. There were 5,500 incidents in 2006, last year there were 48,000. So what isRead… Read more »

Congress on Course to Extend Expiring Continuing Resolution

Originally posted at The Government Affairs Institute Both chambers remain on course to pass a largely uncontroversial extension of the expiring continuing resolution (CR) that will be comprised of an omnibus and probably five out of the 12 individual appropriations bills. It will set FY13 discretionary spending at $984b, equal to the sequester level, butRead… Read more »