Posts Tagged: budgeting

Countdown to Cuts, Sequestration Reader – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The President issued the Cybersecurity Executive Order during his State of the Union earlier this month. But some say the Executive Order doesn’t go far enough. What’s missing? Click here for the full recap. But up front: Sequestion, of course, with just days before those automatic spending cuts start to kickRead… Read more »

Adjust Your Budget to the Sequester

The sequester is looking more likely, so what are you doing to adapt if your paycheck is cut 20%? Here are a few things you can do: Revisit your budget. Develop a new budget baseline. Include the things you absolutely must have. This means your rent/morgage, utilities, groceries and transportation budgets. Track them with Mint.Read… Read more »

Sequestration Obscures Fiscal Reality

The “Fiscal Cliff” was supposed to be a failsafe mechanism. Unfortunately, it now appears likely to fail. Just the threat of a sequester was supposed to ensure bipartisan consensus between Congress and the White House on a host of contentious issues of taxes and spending. Yet the term “compromise” has become a dirty word inRead… Read more »

Sequester Looms Large at Agencies: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: If the March 1st sequestration deadline isn’t met, more than 800,000 federal employees will be furloughed. So what can you do if you are a furloughed employee. We get insights from employment attorney. Click here for the recap. If you missed the DorobekINSIDER Live BYOD Panel yesterday featuring, EEOC’s Kimberly Hancher,Read… Read more »

Know your rights if you’re furloughed – Sequestration Deadline Approaching

The March 1st deadline for sequestration is only a week away. And agency managers are grappling with the very real possibility that they will be forced to furlough thousands of workers. The DoD has already announced that if a deal to avert sequestration is not passed, it will be forced to furlough 800,000 civilian workers.Read… Read more »

Tracking the Sequester: Jockeying Between House and Senate

Originally blogged at Government Affairs Institute With nine days to go, hope of averting the March 1 sequester continues to fade, with each side drawing a line in the sand, and little reason to believe that their differences can be breached any time soon. Last week the President again went on record demanding that anyRead… Read more »

Current State of Sequestration – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: What is the high risk list? What makes a program high risk? How did you get off it? Insights from the Government Accountability Office. Click here for the full recap. Coming up Wednesday – the DorobekINSIDER LIVE… and we focus on BYOD — bring your own device. Register now for theRead… Read more »

Buy outcomes, not output

There a couple of things you need to think about before you buy consulting services, management consulting, or any of the types of services where you’re looking for a unique perspective or insight, the benefit of experience, and a fresh view on things. Anytime you’re looking for something that’s going to end in real changeRead… Read more »

Is your program/agency on GAO’s High Risk List

What is the high risk list? Beginning in 1990 the Government Accountability Office started putting together a list of programs that were most vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse, mis-management and the need for fundamental transformation. The GAO produces the list every two years to help Congress and the Executive Branch set priorities on high riskRead… Read more »