Posts Tagged: budgeting

3 Reasons to Cut Congressional Pay in Half

The U.S. Congress has done it again. On Friday the House of Representatives voted to reject a long overdue end to the two-year old federal pay freeze. In effect, Congress is punishing federal civil servants for serving the public. It should be evident by now that federal employees have been castigated too much, for tooRead… Read more »

Furloughs at DHS – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The President unveiled his long awaited Executive Order to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure during the State of the Union. But what was in it? And how does it affect you and your agency? Insights from TechAmerica. Click here for the full recap. But First: Gov 2.0 It is aRead… Read more »

State of the Union Prep Guide – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: March may go down as one of the worst months ever for federal budgeting. And it’s not just because of sequestration, although that’s not ideal. But the CR and 2014 budgets are also in the mix. Insights from Qorvis’ Stan Collender. But up front: Tuesday night is the annual State ofRead… Read more »

Is March the Armageddon for federal budgets? Sequestration, CR, 2014 and more

March may go down as one of the worst months ever for federal budgeting. Take a look: Sequestration goes into effect on March 1st. 1.2 trillion in across the board cuts. Continuing Resolution expires on March 27th. In order for a budget to be passed by April 15th the House and Senate need to beginRead… Read more »

Are budgets cuts a big deal? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The Sunlight Foundation reports that $1.55 trillion dollars has misrepresented in federal spending in 2011. That baffling number is just one of the findings for the Clearspending report. But how can that happen? And how can agencies adequately manage when they don’t have a firm grip on their spending? Click hereRead… Read more »

Gov Misrepresents $1.55 trillion in grants? How did it happen?

The Sunlight Foundation reports that $1.55 trillion dollars has misrepresented in federal spending in 2011. That baffling number is just one of the findings for the Clearspending report. But how can that happen? And how can agencies adequately manage when they don’t have a firm grip on their spending? Kaitlin Devin is a senior webRead… Read more »

Are the days of the U.S. mail numbered? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: We get it, being in government is tough and it’s only getting tougher with budget cuts and sequestration. But one way to weather the storm is to cling tight to your leadership core principles. Click here for the full recap. As you know, government conferences are under fire. So what isRead… Read more »

Helping Vets Transition to Private Sector: Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Budgets and time are tight, so one of the trickle down effects has been the evolution of the program manager. Now more than ever, people are taking on the role of program manager with little or no training. So how is it working? Click here for the recap. Helping returning vetsRead… Read more »

Your Thrift Savings Plan: By the Numbers

2012 was a banner year for the Thrift Savings Plan. Funds across the board saw marked improvements. Kim Weaver is the Director of External Affairs the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. She told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that the 2012 returns aren’t something you should wave a stick at. But before we getRead… Read more »