Posts Tagged: budgeting

Post Conference-Gate – Why Government’s Not Going

With shrinking budgets and fewer resources to support mission goals, federal government decision makers and influencers plan on attending fewer events this year. Market Connections polled 400 feds about their plans to attend conferences in FY 2012. And the results were bleak for contractors. Lisa Dezzutti is the President of Market Connections. She told ChrisRead… Read more »

Why Constraints Actually Breed Innovation

It may sound odd, but constraints can and usually are a catalyst for innovation. Think back to the industrial age here in America, importing goods was costing too much money and taking too much time – insert the American Industrial Revolution. The industrial revolution was a time of extreme growth and innovation in our country.Read… Read more »

Debt Ceiling Extension Paves Way for Budget and Alternative to Sequestration

The House of Representatives passed a bill on January 23rd enabling the federal government to keep borrowing money until May 18th. Senate leaders as well as the White House indicated they would pass the measure. This bill includes a provision withholding pay for Congressional members unless a budget is passed by April 15th. The billRead… Read more »

More Enroll in TSP Roth, Why? – Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: In just two months the government will be faced with sequestration. And that has everyone in and around government worried. But Michael Keating says there is some room to be optimistic about next year’s budgets across all levels of government. Click here for the full recap. The SEVEN stories that impactRead… Read more »

Economic Woes and Wins: Government Budgeting Breakdown

In just two months the government will be faced with sequestration. And that has everyone in and around government worried. But Michael Keating says there is some room to be optimistic about next year’s budgets across all levels of government. Keathing is the Senior Editor for Government Product News Magazine and publishes his annual KeatingRead… Read more »

Sequestration Doomed for March? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: RFP-EZ is one of the Presidential Innovation Fellows projects. It just wrapped up. So how did it go? Was it a success? How was it received? We talk to Clay Johnson. Click here for the full recap. But up front: Sequestration, yes, I know, we are all sick of it, but…Read… Read more »

Is Postal Service Doomed to be Broke?

The Postal Service has a money problem. A big one. And there aren’t simple solutions. The Government Accountability Office has looked at the problem and has made recommendations to Congress. Frank Todisco is the GAO’s Chief Actuary. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program what the real issue is for USPS. “USPS provides retireesRead… Read more »

Pay Freeze Paused? Plus the DorobekINSIDER 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Big Data is a word that’s being thrown around a lot recently. It’s a new term for an old problem; having too much data. Not an overly complicated issue to grasp, albeit the solution to the problem is a much more complicated one. With the federal Big Data market being estimatedRead… Read more »

Inauguration day, fed style – Plus the 7 DorobekINSIDER stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: As a journalist, a college student a writer by trade, i’ve been filled with the horrors of plagiarism. So when I heard Henry Sienkiewicz tell the crowd gathered at the Keys to Next Generation Security Operations conference that not only is plagiarism ok, it’s encouraged when it comes to cybeersecurity, IRead… Read more »