Posts Tagged: budgeting

Either Way A Fiscal Cliff

Okay, so here’s the dirtly little secret… The “Fiscal Cliff” that everyone is supposedly working on to avert–is really unavoidable! Yes, the Sequestration that was put in place that eliminates the broad-based tax cuts from a decade ago and reduces spending across military and domestic government spending–can be replaced by more surgical tax increases andRead… Read more »

The Business of IT – Surviving Budget Chaos

The link below leads to my article with this title published in the November 2012 issue of FedTech Magazine. For Federal CIOs, the pending sequestration, if implemented, will cause significant turmoil in funding agency IT operations and programs. But even if the sequestration is avoided, cutting Federal costs will be a key action area inRead… Read more »

Bring Back The President’s Management Agenda

The Obama Administration should consider implementing a President’s Management Agenda (PMA) in its second term. The PMA structure used during the Bush administration clearly articulated management goals in areas such as financial accountability, human resources, competitive sourcing, e.government, and budget and performance integration. The PMA scorecard provided transparency with respect to status and results andRead… Read more »

Understanding Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns

Chicken Little squawked about the sky falling. Pundits warn about the Fiscal Cliff. But federal agencies nearly every year hold up the sky while walking on the edge of a cliff. This is the world of Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns. In only four cases since 1975 has Congress passed all appropriation bills before theRead… Read more »

Agile Responds to the Top 5 Challenges For Project Managers

This is a response to a great summary of the recent survey posted here: 1. Time constraints Get Agile. Release in iterative cycles instead of a monolithic delivery. It allows for better evaluation of progress, forecasting, and customer feedback. 2. Setting a goal and sticking to it Get Agile. Use cases and user storiesRead… Read more »

POTUS Re-Election: 5 Key Issues for Feds

With the 2012 Presidential Election now behind us, a host of key issues affecting federal employees nationwide are once again front and center. Following is a post-election primer presenting a snapshot of five key issue areas for Feds during President Obama’s second term. To watch the President’s acceptance speech, click here. 1) Sequestration & FiscalRead… Read more »

The Election’s over – so now what for feds?

“What you will see in the next term is a fundamentally different President. He now understands the business of government,” said Steve Ryan. Ryan heads the office of government strategies at McDermott Will & Emery LLP. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program what feds will face in 2013. No Wave “This is theRead… Read more »

Efficiencies and Government — Is that an oxymoron?

Efficiencies and Government — Is that an oxymoron? Tackling the biggest problem at your agency first is a great way to make things more efficient. But agencies can’t seem to get their priorities straight. Janet Hale is the former undersecretary for management at the Homeland Security Department and now a director of Deloitte. They’ve justRead… Read more »