Posts Tagged: budgeting

OMB Guidance: What Is a Program?

This is a question to which agencies will now have to come up with an answer. And it won’t be easy! Background Earlier this Spring, Senator Tom Coburn grilled an OMB witness at a hearing about why OMB had not yet implemented a provision in the GPRA Modernization Act requiring the creation of a government-wideRead… Read more »

OMB Guidance: Prepare to SOAR

OMB has released its long-awaited guidance for the implementation of new provisions in the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. It describes a novel way to meet a statutory requirement to annually judge the performance of government programs. Agencies will have to put this new approach in place over the next two years. A provision buriedRead… Read more »

A New Federal Performance Framework

OMB has released a new performance framework for the federal government. It is embedded in its guidance to agencies on how they should prepare their budget requests for fiscal year 2014, which is called OMB Circular A-11. Last week, the Office of Management and Budget released its annual technical guidance to agencies regarding how theyRead… Read more »

Open Government and Taxes

Atlanta recently thumbs downed a proposal to increase taxes to fund much needed transportation improvements. Although the tax hike would have been 1% and would have in theory created an economic boom in the area, the residents responded resoundingly that they don’t trust their government and wont give the government any more money. So areRead… Read more »

3-part plan to improve innovation with the Federal CTO and is it possible to disconnect on vacation?

On today’s program Todd Park — he is the federal CTO – and might very well be the energizer bunny. The man has a lot of passion and excitement for the federal government. And he’ll tell us his three part plan to creating innovation. Click here for the full story. It’s summer and that meansRead… Read more »

Contractors Hold Onto Their Desks as Sequestration Looms

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. The Professional Services Council (PSC) recently hosted an event on the topic of sequestration and, for many, it was a sobering reminder that challenging times lay ahead – even if sequestration never comes to light. So what are contractors doing to prepare for these new budget realities?Read… Read more »

Think Sustainability — Could alternate fuels save billions?

The American Clean Skies foundation is out with their new plan that aims to reduce the government’s consumption of oil – and the fiscal and environmental costs that come with it – by requiring federal agencies to apply to third-­‐party transportation providers the same kind of alternative fuel targets, efficiency standards and reporting practices thatRead… Read more »

Leading with Risk

Making decisions is never easy — and some might argue that it is even more challenging today because things change SO quickly. How do you make the best decisions? That is one of the issues we’ll be talking about later this month at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit taking place July 26-27 hereRead… Read more »

Never too young to plan – TSP and beyond

Next generation of Government Summit — Never Too Young to Plan – Financial Planning from TSP to Insurance Nicolas Troy Abrams, Founder, AJW Financial Partners Erin Doyle, Benefits Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs Rebecca Schreiber, Certified Financial Planner, Solid Ground Financial Planning Bobby Whiteside, Client 4 Life Insurance and Financial Services Getting your hands aroundRead… Read more »

Ranking Agency Innovation and Making Open Data Work

Happy Tuesday just days away from the Next Generation of Government Training Summit. We sure hope to see you starting Thursday. On Today’s Program Government innovation — yes, I know people don’t believe those two words can go together. Insights about what YOU think about government innovation from a just released report. We’ll talk toRead… Read more »