Posts Tagged: budgeting

Crowdfunding Civic Projects — Interest Groups Playground or a Cost Cutting Solution?

Did you ever have something that you wanted done in your community — but your elected leaders wouldn’t pay attention or kept saying that they don’t have the money. What if you could have like minded people come together to help fund those projects. The idea — the crowdfunding of civic projects — has someRead… Read more »

YGL Considering More Sponsors

Young Government Leaders is considering adding more sponsors, We can expand the depth and breadth of the services we provide to our members while developing new partnerships. We’d like your opinions on what sponsors you think would be a strong fit for YGL. Please leave suggested sponsors in the comment section below.

Sequestration Hearing: Contractors Dramatically Complain About Potential Job Cuts, Supplier Impacts, Lack of Guidance

In what House Armed Services Committee Chairman, Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) called perhaps the most “important hearing I have ever attended,” the committee and four defense contractor leaders discussed the impacts of sequestration on industry. Five main themes emerged: Dramatic language and colorful metaphors to describe sequestration Lack of numerical specificity on impacts Complaints about theRead… Read more »

Budget History 101 — Are we really in the most austere time ever?

We know, we know, budgets are tight. It seems like that the age of austerity is an constant refrain in government. But the real question is how do you manage in these tough fiscal times? James Nardozzi is the Dean of Post College and Director of the Post University Master of Public Administration degree program.Read… Read more »

Budget 101 — A historical perspective and beating back the bad press

On today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER We know budgets are tight — but are they the most austere budgets ever? A historical perspective on the budget crunch — and advice on how to survive it. Click here for the full story. Beating back from the bad press — leading when times are tough. Click hereRead… Read more »

Cloud Computing and the CIO — Insights from EPA’s Malcolm Jackson and Partial Retirements for Feds

On Today’s Edition of the DorobekINSIDER Doing more with less — open government — cloud computing: they’re only some of the challenges facing the EPA. We’ll talk to the agency’s Chief Information Officer — Malcolm Jackson. Click here for the full story. Part-time retirement is now a reality. But should you consider it? We’ll findRead… Read more »

Partial Retirement — Can’t just spend your days golfing?

A new phased retirement option has been approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. The Federal Employee Phased Retirement Act represents a significant change in how federal employees and agencies will plan for retirement. Employees can now take phased retirement for a few years at the end of a career. Steve LoseyRead… Read more »

How Public Hearings Can Distort Decision Making and How Online Forums Can Mitigate this Distorting Influence

Public hearings are often the most influential channel for feedback to government decision makers. Therefore it’s problematic that this influence is frequently distorted by public hearing feedback that is not representative of the views of the majority of a community. This distorted influence is caused by three dynamics: (1) a spectrum of impediments to civicRead… Read more »

Chicago Hires An Advertising Consultant, Should Other Cities Do The Same?

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel estimates that Chicago can raise $25 million by letting companies advertise on city assets. Chicago has now hired an advertising consultant at a cost of $144,000 to help the City generate advertising revenue. Other municipalities have considered creative ways to generate advertising revenue such as: – transit riders in Philadelphia buyRead… Read more »