Posts Tagged: budgeting

Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise Part 2

A few months ago I wrote a post about a Job Fair sponsored by Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown titled Job Fairs Are Great PR For Politicians But Ineffective Otherwise. The Buffalo News recently ran a follow-up article regarding the City of Buffalo Job Fair. While Mayor Brown hyped the fact that 1,500 “good-paying” jobs wereRead… Read more »

How to benefit the most from working with proposal consultants, and 30% Spring discount

One type of growth challenge that business developers and owners face stems from not having enough time, personnel, or expertise to prepare and respond to the solicitations that otherwise would be a perfect fit for the company. You may be completely new to hiring consultants. You may be worn thin from all the heavy hoursRead… Read more »

Customer Service Bill Is Resurrected

Will feds soon be asking their customers if they are satisfied with the service they’ve received? Following the customer service initiatives launched by Gore’s reinventing government team in the 1990s, the federal government has waxed and waned on the importance of customer service in the course of serving the public. With citizen satisfaction with governmentRead… Read more »

The 7 Gov’t Stories you need to know: Secret Service Agents say Colombian Prostitution Scandal might not be the first

The SEVEN stories that impact your life for Wednesday the 25th of April, 2012: The Secret Service agents in the center of the prostitution scandal say misbehavior on official trips is not unprecedented. The Washington Post reports a few of the secret service agents contend that their conduct doesn’t warrant dismissal because senior managers toleratedRead… Read more »

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 and are you suffering from social media overload?

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 Suffering social media overload? by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Tuesday April 25, 2012: Cloud computing and the intelligence community… it seems like an oxymoron, but could it be a perfect fit? Gov 2.0 — What’s happening and where are we going?Read… Read more »

Fear Factor – Bill Connor’s April 22 Column from

Solicitor General Donald Verrilli picked the wrong day to get the jitters last month. Fighting to keep The Affordable Health Care Act intact in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, he hesitated, he stuttered, he coughed, he gulped ice water – he didn’t make a strong impression. The New Yorker’s legal writer Jeffrey Toobin summedRead… Read more »

How GSA’s getting data anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data

How GSA is getting data, anywhere, at anytime, the TSP’s Roth Option and Untangling Big Data by GovLoop Insights On the program today for April 23rd, 2012: We’re going to talk about what GSA is actually getting it right. Last week, I moderated a discussion about mobile technologies and how it is changing work. Ahead,Read… Read more »

The SEVEN Stories you Need to Know — Roth Delays and the Secret Service heads to Congress

We start with the SEVEN stories that impact your life for Monday April 23rd 2012… We’re going to talk about the Thrift Savings Plan’s Roth option later, but… It turns out that TSP’s Roth option might not make its May 7th start date. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service has said it will not beRead… Read more »