Posts Tagged: budgeting

GovBytes: Students Fundraise amidst NASA Budget Cuts

In college, the Political Science Club I was Treasurer of once held a fundraiser to take a trip to Washington, DC, raising a total $11.64. Raising a ton of money wasn’t the point, though. The point was simply to show that we care about visiting DC, and that the Student Association should allot us aRead… Read more »

Losing control in the digital age

Press officers, communications teams, I am told, do not like losing control. So the advent of digital technology could be conceived to be their worst nightmare. Now, I’ve never worked in a communications team where control was something hung on to for dear life so I can’t comment on this from a personal perspective. ButRead… Read more »

CTO Security Report

Anonymous (Photo credit: Schuilr) 3 Million Iranian Bank Accounts Disclosed Iranian ATM’s are dispensing PIN and Password changes instead of money this week following the public disclosure of three million bank account details by an Iranian security researcher. While the disclosure of these accounts is unfortunate, what is more troubling is the process that ledRead… Read more »

Value for the Money: What governments need to tell the tax-paying public

Most of us paid our taxes this week, and didn’t grumble too much. But taxpayers may not have had a great sense of satisfaction about it either. By Eric Rabe, Fels Senior Advisor A Pew study last year found that most Americans are “frustrated” with the federal government — a number that has been aboveRead… Read more »

Building a shared services model in local government

Declining local government budgets drive a need for innovative solutions to reduce operating costs Local government budgets for municipalities, cities and townships are shrinking at a staggering pace. Declining property and business tax revenues are impacting local governments ability to provide basic services to the public. As a result, budget planning directors and business analystsRead… Read more »

Top 5 Traits of a Great Infographic

Infographics have become an extremely powerful way for government agencies to quickly and efficiently synthesize complex data for citizens. In terms of data, you typically have people in two camps – the folks who want to see the raw data file and manipulate data accordingly and then the people who want to find information quicklyRead… Read more »

Why Do We Only Discuss Women’s Issues During Campaigns?

It is no secret the women’s vote is often the determining factor in many elections, including major national races. It is therefore no surprise, as we enter the throws of the 2012 presidential election, that once again the battle is on to woo women, replete with the usual trash-talking and barbed attacks that characterize ourRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Engagement: Keys to Mission Success

In an era of shrinking budgets and increasing demands for high-quality services, productivity improvement is critical to performance outcomes. How can public-sector organizations meet fiscal requirements while sustaining effective performance levels? Tune-in to FedCentral today on WFED 1500AM at 10am to hear David Dye, Director, Federal Human Capital, Deloitte Consulting LLP and John M. Palguta,Read… Read more »