Posts Tagged: budgeting

Deltek releases annual state-of-the-states report

This week, Deltek released its latest report, State of the States 2012: IT Initiatives and Implications. The 32-page presentation offers in-depth analysis of 43 governors’ state-of-the-state (or budget) addresses to identify key trends and priorities for the year ahead. An extensive Excel table detailing more than 750 state goals across 11 vertical markets is alsoRead… Read more »

New Models for Government IT: Government IT is at a Tipping Point

Today I will be live blogging at the Cisco Government Solutions Forum. Session number two was titled, New Models for Government IT, which was part of the Cutting the Cost of Government track. Learning how to cut costs will continue to be a pressing issue for government. This session explores how technology can be usedRead… Read more »

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work

Bullying in the Workplace and Making Mobility Work by GovLoop Insights Happy Wednesday March 21st 2012… So much to get to today!!! Happy Wednesday… SO much to get to today. On Tuesday, the House Republicans unveiled their version of the fiscal 2013 budget. There is a lot of stuff in there, as you might imagine.Read… Read more »

Celebrating National Purchasing Month: 2011 procurement review

Deltek Principal Analyst Jason Sajko reports. Deltek has been tracking and working to improve state and local government purchasing for more than 10 years. To celebrate National Purchasing Month, we have provided analysis of different procurement strategies, expenditure reviews (and another), and now we take a look at 2011’s nationwide state and local government procurementRead… Read more »

Michigan’s 2014 Budget: Finally Back on Track and Looking Up

Deltek Analyst Emily Magurne reports. The aftermath of the economic recession damaged states’ spending power over the past few years, and Michigan has been no different. After accumulating a $1.5 billion deficit, tough decisions had to be made to improve the state’s economic stability. Education took a hit, and projects to improve infrastructure had toRead… Read more »

Federal budget cuts change how government manages acquisitions

As budget cuts loom, the government has been changing its behavior when acquiring new technology. The DorobekINSIDER’s Chris Dorobek spoke with Warren Suss about how these budgetary constraints are affecting government contracting and vendor services. Warren says some companies overreact to a couple of percentage points being cut from an agency’s budget and make drasticRead… Read more »

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital

The changing face of acquisition, disposing of your hardware, and States and local gov’s go digital by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday. Up front today… two interesting items that sure show how times are changing. One… would would guess we would ever say Bon Jovi, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Department of Urban DevelopmentRead… Read more »

DoD Power Point 2.0 – SlideShare

SlideShare should be an integral tool in the DoD Strategic Communications portfolio to convey leadership’s vision, strategies, initiatives, and success stories. Every program, project, or organization would benefit by leveraging SlideShare for their *PUBLIC* briefings. DoD has a SlideShare account, with some strategies and social media guidance posted. SlideShare enables you to communicate your messageRead… Read more »

Is This Coming Your Way? and the National Debt Crisis

Starting in 2013 newly hired FERS employee’s retirement contributions will increase from .8 percent to 3.1 percent of salary. Originally this was intended to apply to all FERS employees. There is another vote pending in the house that proposes increasing all employees’ contributions by 1.5 percent that will be phased in over a three yearRead… Read more »