Posts Tagged: budgeting

Texas is doing a bad job on delivering transparency and accountability

Texas Earns a Poor Grade for Integrity State Government Doing a Poor Job Delivering Transparency and Accountability to Citizens Investigative Report by Kelley ShannonPosted Monday, March 19, 2012 1:30pm In Texas politics, money flows freely, lobbyists enjoy a powerful presence at the state capitol, and governors are propelled into the national spotlight. Citizens who wantRead… Read more »

Shifting federal mobility, ACT-IAC gets a new look and smartphone security, what you need to know!

Shifting federal mobility, ACT-IAC gets a new look and smartphone security, what you need to know! by GovLoop Insights Happy Monday — I hope you had a good weekend.And I’ve had a bunch of people ask me about the new iPad. I don’t have it… YET. Yes, it was supposed to be delivered Friday, but…Read… Read more »

Is Your Agency or Organization Ready for the Facebook Timeline Switch? You Have until March 30th!

Did you know that your Facebook Page is going to radically change in look and functionality on March 30th? Below is an overview of Facebook Timeline that we prepared for our Ketchum clients that outlines all of the major new features, and recommendations for how to use the new format. Keep in Mind that AllRead… Read more »

Celebrating National Purchasing Month: Delaware’s network term contracts

Deltek Analyst Lindsay Clifton reports. To celebrate National Purchasing Month as well as Sunshine Week, Deltek is looking at statewide term contracts and spending figures often available as states become more transparent in their financial reporting. Delaware is one of the first states to display contract spend volume in an easily-analyzed form. We examined twoRead… Read more »

Illinois’ FY 2013 Budget: Navigating away from “empty promises”

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. Governor Patrick Quinn unveiled his proposed FY 2013 budget to the General Assembly on February 22, 2012. His plan outlines a need to repair a broken system and restore fiscal stability through major reductions and state spending reforms. While Governor Quinn’s plan emphasizes a need to cut costs and reduceRead… Read more »

Iowa, Louisiana move on education reform

Louisiana is examining an education reform package being advanced by Governor Bobby Jindhal that would tie teacher job security to how they fared on external performance metrics. The Iowa House has passed a slate of education reforms that would require yearly evaluations for school teachers, a test for graduating high school seniors and an extraRead… Read more »

Creating the Right Climate: Using Critical Success Factors To Define the Standard of Performance

You may not know that two of most important steps managers can take to encourage high performance from employees are to (1) tell them what is expected and (2) give them the tools to manage themselves to the stated objectives. What if there were a tool that helped you clarify expectations? Think about it… WhenRead… Read more »