Posts Tagged: budgeting

Top Ten Things You Need to Know to Manage Performance

Performance management is all about clarity: clear expectations about both performance and on-the-job conduct or behavior. While it takes time and effort to set up a performance management program, there are some things managers and employees can incorporate into their regular work activities. Here are ten things to know about performance management: Remember that performanceRead… Read more »

Kudos to Google and YouTube! Financial Help for Nonprofits and Associations

Http://LeonardSipes.Com (PR and social media for government, associations and nonprofits) I wrote an article describing assistance from Google regarding assistance to nonprofits, see Now, YouTube (owned by Google) is offering an array of incentives to encourage nonprofits to take advantage of its services. One of the challenges of working with nonprofits and associations is gettingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 01, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda It’s spring (meteorologically), when many people are thinking about getting engaged. By which I mean: citizen engagement, employee engagement, and engagement in and through social media. A Ladder or a Continuum. On the blog Bang the Table, Cripsin Butteriss dusts off his papers on citizen participation and shares Sherry R Arnstein’s “Ladder ofRead… Read more »

Iowa examines slate of education reforms, seeks No Child waiver

Lawmakers are examining changes to the education system in Iowa. Yesterday the state joined a group of states seeking waivers from the federal government to opt out of some of the requirements imposed by the No Child Left Behind Act. Teacher evaluations have also been scrapped from the Governor’s education plan and replaced with evaluationsRead… Read more »

The rising price of health care costs – Round 2

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. As Deltek continues to analyze states’ fiscal year (FY) 2013 budgets, we are taking an even deeper look at Medicaid spending amongst states. In February, Deltek analyzed the following FY 2013 proposed budgets: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Vermont. Total Medicaid spending among the selectedRead… Read more »

Why Passwords Will Remain Relevant: Duress

With the continued rise in home-based and mobile working, the possibility of people being forced to access and potentially modify data during encounters with ne’er-do-wells becomes a genuine security issue. For example, while there haven’t been many cases reported yet, the time will come when the kid lurking in the alley with the switchblade, isn’tRead… Read more »

The Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act: Yes? No? Maybe?

BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE March 1, 2012 by Ron Manderscheid, Executive Director, NACBHDD 0 Comments | Share | Print Will social justice prevail in the Supreme Court decision? On a long flight from Frankfurt, Germany, to Washington, DC, in the brilliant sunlight of a late winter’s day, I had the opportunity to reflect on the upcoming USRead… Read more »