Posts Tagged: budgeting

Reasons and Methods to Go Mobile in 2012

By Andreas Muno, SAP Over the next few weeks, this blog series will explore the reason why government should go mobile and identify strategies that have been successful. But first let’s discuss the state of government mobility. So, what are government organizations already doing? Many federal, state and local agencies in the US already provideRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 'Back to the Source': Colbert Super PAC Leads FEC Reporting, Gingrich Campaign and Others Follow

Super PACs have been a hot topic in the news recently as reporters, advocacy groups, and the public try to follow the money flowing into the political system as the 2012 elections approach. On January 31st MSNBC reported that Stephen Colbert’s super PAC, Americans for A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, was the first to submit itsRead… Read more »

The rising price of health care costs – Round 1

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. As Deltek combs through this year’s budget documents, it would be hard not to write an analysis on one of the biggest budget line items for every state: health care costs centered around Medicaid spending. Health care reform is one of the hottest topics of recent years, and will continueRead… Read more »

Social Construction: Entering the Dialogue

In this 2004 book, Ken and Mary Gergen of the Taos Institute present an account of social constructionist thought that enables students, colleagues and practitioners – as well as those who are simply curious – to gain a basic understanding and appreciation of the drama and constructionist ideas in action – in organizations, psychotherapy, education,Read… Read more »

Do You Have a Social Media Superman Complex?

I’ve become the designated “social media guy” for a massive organization (25,000+ people). For a while, the responsibilities of this role consisted primarily of explaining what the Twitters were and why people cared about what you ate for lunch. As social media has grown in popularity, so too has the internal and external demand forRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Almost 400 former House staffers registered to lobby in last two years

The revolving door is alive and well in Washington. In less than three years, at least 378 House staffers employed in personal and committee offices have left Capitol Hill to become registered lobbyists, a Sunlight Foundation analysis of House disbursement data and federal lobbying records finds. More than two in five former House staffers whoRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 2Day in #OpenGov 2/7/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is Tuesday’s take on transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance More than a third of advertising related to the presidential race has come from nonprofit groups that can keep their donors secret. (Washington Post) Rep.Read… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Senators Take a Pass on Electronic Filing. Again.

By an overwhelming majority, Senators passed the STOCK Act, a bill Majority Leader Reid described as, “a critical step toward restoring Americans’ faith in Congress” but failed—in fact actively prevented—to allow a vote on an amendment that would have required Senators and Senate candidates to electronically file their campaign finance reports. Sunlight wrote a letterRead… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Introducing Lapidus, an Analytics Dashboard

Lapidus is an Analytics Dashboard we developed in response to our desire to track metrics for all of our projects, whether they are web sites, APIs, mobile apps, etc. Sunlight has multiple projects that target different audiences and have different uses, but it is important for us to understand how all of these projects areRead… Read more »

City of Lawrence Job Opportunities – Management Intern for MPA GRADUATE

From Samantha Lowell: She notes that “Although this says “intern,” remember the one year intern position is for someone who has completed a MPA.” Management Intern City Manager’s Office Salary: $35,257 Annually Responsibilities: The City of Lawrence, Kansas is seeking to fill the position of Management Intern. Lawrence has a population of approximately 90,000, providesRead… Read more »