Posts Tagged: budgeting

Contract Management 101: A FFP contract is not T&M

One thing that I have seen a lot of is the misapplication of performance-based contracting tenets, especially when it comes to requirements. Basically, some requirement offices slap “Performance Work Statement” as the title, delete “Statement of Work,” and maybe add some metrics and measures. Voila, a “performance-based contract” is born. However, the contract line itemRead… Read more »

Contract Management 101: A FFP contract is not T&M

One thing that I have seen a lot of is the misapplication of performance-based contracting tenets, especially when it comes to requirements. Basically, some requirement offices slap “Performance Work Statement” as the title, delete “Statement of Work,” and maybe add some metrics and measures. Voila, a “performance-based contract” is born. However, the contract line itemRead… Read more »

Mitt Romney on Food Stamps?

And Other Random Thoughts Mitt Romney has said that he’s not concerned about “the very poor”, because they have the safety net. The TANF (cash welfare) benefit for a three-person household in Massachusetts is $618 per month. The average SNAP (food stamps) benefit is $264 for that family each month. I sent an email toRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Sunlight on #superPACs: Colbert edition

In case you missed it, last night some-time South Carolina Presidential candidate and super PAC founder Stephen Colbert gave a great rundown of the new campaign finance landscape in our elections. Colbert and his team of very sharp writers have smartly illustrated just how out of control our campaign finance system is. In short, it’sRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 03, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.Overseas! Across the Pond. Alex Howard covers the release of GOV.UK, which in time is slated to be a single portal through which Brits can access all government agencies and, in Alex’s words, “aims [to] deliver[] faster digital services to citizens through a much improved user interface at decreased cost.” Importantly, andRead… Read more »

Talent Vs. Potential – Where Do You Stand?

When you hear talent, you probably associate the term with American Idol, the Olympics, or the Oscars. Let’s talk about talent in the workplace. You know, the thing that initially got you hired. Talent is high in demand. Manpower recently documented that 52% of American companies are struggling to fill open positions. Why? They’re lookingRead… Read more »

Green Neighborhood/Eco District Graduate Research Assistant Position(s) for Spring 2012 Semester Only

The Metropolitan Institute has the immediate need for a graduate research assistant (GRA) to inventory, classify, and compare emerging neighborhood or district level sustainability initiatives. The US Green Building Council has its LEED-ND (neighborhood development) system that establishes a series of performance measures and standards for the certification of neighborhood scale projects. These standards goRead… Read more »