Posts Tagged: Business of Government

Emerging Trends in Innovation and Social Media: Identity Management, Part I

So far in this series, I’ve written about mobile technology, connected sensors, 3D Printing (which I called Products-on-Demand or PonD), and Advanced Sharing. Each of these is important, but the capstone, what will act as a force-multiplier for each, is a better understanding of and method for identity management. Think about an average week forRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 08, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda California’s Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom talks with KQED about his book, Citizenville, in which he argues that hackers can improve government, and that government has to be more inviting to them. Speaking of: The City of Los Angeles has updated its Web site and launched a mobile app. And – The National AtmosphericRead… Read more »

Trust: An Expression of Access and Influence

This morning, I attended a panel that spoke about a new report released by the communications firm, Edelman, entitled “2013 Edelman Trust Barometer.” The findings, especially those that pertain to US citizens, industries, and institutions, are striking. Who we trust now The Trust Barometer examined how various countries’ populations viewed a number of industries, includingRead… Read more »

The Operator’s Manual – Innovation

Recognize that employees, especially those who are on the front line of your organization and who regularly deal with your agency’s customers, often are the source of innovative services that can benefit your customers. Getting them engaged is key. MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIESSUBJECT: Innovation Innovation is a hot topic. WhileRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 31, 2013

This post has been updated to include a contribution from Michael Keegan. Gadi Ben-Yehuda Thinking about social media: It’s everywhere. Federal Agency Social Media Adoption Reaches Near Ubiquity It can save your life. ‘PulsePoint’ app, which helps people get lifesaving CPR, coming to L.A. The Canadians have something to teach us. 5 Lessons About SocialRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 25, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Updates: QR codes update: NFC? Mood ring update: Google? Paying-for-content on Open Government update: Free? Outsourcing update: Crowdsourcing? Social Media update: Pinterest? And a question: did signatories of ePeitions know that their data could be crunched like this? Dan Chenok What can government learn from the private sector about how to harness innovation?Read… Read more »

Emerging Innovation and Social Media Trends: Advanced Sharing, Part I

In our daily lives, we are confronted with numerous opportunities and requests for sharing all sorts of things: our yard tools, our time, specific types of information. And in our daily lives, whether we’re asked to share a rake or an apple pie recipe, we quickly perform a complex calculation to determine if we areRead… Read more »

Governing in the Next Four Years: Technology

MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SUBJECT: Technology While you may not have come to Washington to manage information technology (IT), you should pay attention to it for two reasons. First, if you leverage IT effectively, it will help you achieve your goals. Second, if IT is managed poorly in your agency,Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: January 18, 2013

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week: The “Wish I had thought of that” edition. This Headline: “Civic app for finding flu shots goes viral” Well played, Alex Howard, well played. This Program: The University of Florida is offering a master’s program focused on social media. (in fairness, I have been writing about that for about two years,Read… Read more »

10 Prospective Federal Government Pinterest Boards

This post has been edited to reflect that “Interesting Things for Sale” is a personal pinboard, not an official GSA Pinboard. Here are the Official GSA Pinboards. Last week, the General Services Administration approved the terms of service for Pinterest—meaning that federal agencies could start to use the site to engage with citizens. Since then,Read… Read more »