Leaning Forward: Time To Get Involved
To recap, the first tenant Prop 435 stands for is crowd-sourcing the political agenda. We want to be true representatives of those we serve and work to combat the historical notion that we will serve ourselves.
To recap, the first tenant Prop 435 stands for is crowd-sourcing the political agenda. We want to be true representatives of those we serve and work to combat the historical notion that we will serve ourselves.
In the digital age when information and communication can come at such rapid rates, crowd-sourcing is an obvious next step in the evolution of our democracy.
We will not lean right, we will not lean left, but we must lean forward. The Millennial voice, along with many others, is not being heard or represented in our Nation’s highest governing body.
I have released the speaker line-up for the fifth Sentiment Analysis Symposium, slated for October 30, 2012 in San Francisco. The symposium will feature speakers and panelists from leading firms (including Dow Jones, IBM, Infosys, J.D. Power, Thomson Reuters, and Toluna), start-ups, and academia. We’ll also, once again, have a solution-provider exhibit area for demosRead… Read more »
CDC will launch a hard-hitting national tobacco education campaign, called “Tips from Former Smokers.” The campaign features real people living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities, and encourages all smokers to quit. Watch the event live and/or follow @CDCTobaccoFree on Twitter to meet special guests featured in the campaign, and get a first look at campaignRead… Read more »
By Leilani Martinez and Jessica Milcetich The USA.gov team is launching a series of interactive, multimedia campaigns that package the most useful and relevant government information around specific topics. The whole USA.gov family — including GobiernoUSA.gov,Kids.gov, social media outlets, email lists and more — is working in a coordinated fashion for these campaigns in orderRead… Read more »
This week President Obama laid out his vision for America and his rationale as to why he should be re-elected. In a nearly hour-long speech, he sought to firmly establish himself as the defender of the middle class. While the ideals underpinning his rhetoric are laudable, the approach of demonizing various segments of society isRead… Read more »
On Monday the General Services Administration, on behalf of the White House, launched the National Dialogue on Improving Federal Web Sites. The purpose is to re-invent how the federal government delivers information and services online. The website created for the campaign asks citizens to share their ideas to help answer the question “What practices, policies,Read… Read more »
THE SECRETARY OF EDUCATION Dear Fellow Federal Employees: This year marks a historic milestone. Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy established the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) to help people in local communities, across the nation, and around the world. It is my profound pleasure to serve as National Honorary Chair of the 50th anniversaryRead… Read more »
Is e-GOTV a reality? What politicians, municipalities, or government agencies are doing it best? Last year, Ingrid Koehler wrote about Paden Noble’s work for Newark, New Jersey Central Ward Councilman, Darrin Sharif, in her piece “Social beats cash: a local campaign case study”. We appreciate that she credits us with the first use of Foursquare,Read… Read more »