Back to Basics in the New Year
Remember the carefree activities that used to color your life? Bring some of those feelings back and add simplicity to your life.
Remember the carefree activities that used to color your life? Bring some of those feelings back and add simplicity to your life.
The new year is almost here. That means it’s time to plan your professional development in 2018 with GovLoop’s list of the best online trainings for government employees.
This year, forget the fruitcake and give your teams the gift of space.
Does it seem like you are always having to generate new ideas while people around you seem idea poor? While you may have been recognized and promoted based on your ability to generate a lot of ideas, have you considered that as a leader acting as a fountain of ideas may result in others holding… Read more »
Teaching students to think spatially is but one of the elements, an important one from my point of view, that our policy leaders at the local, state, and national levels must work on.
For the past seven years, GovLoop has run our NextGen Leadership Program. The six-month program is designed to help government employees unlock their leadership potential to get to the next step in their careers. In order to achieve that goal, govies are paired with a mentor, participate in multiple online trainings on everything fromthe StrengthsFinders AssessmentRead… Read more »
Getting schedules under control means finding time to breathe and find the white spaces.
If asked to name innovative organizations, how many government entities spring to mind? Not enough. This does not mean, however, that there is a shortage of innovation in government.
You may think you don’t need a mentor or may not know where to find them. But most likely, your organization is overflowing with mentors waiting to help you on your career journey.
A boss once said in a meeting that “It is your job if it needs to get done, maybe not explicitly but if this team needs this — it is your job to make sure it happens.” Can you step outside of your role and do what it takes to make your team successful?