New to Government? Ten Pieces of Unconventional Advice (Part Two)
New to the government and need some advice? Check out what this featured blogger has to say.
New to the government and need some advice? Check out what this featured blogger has to say.
Are you a part of a great team? See if your coworkers are exhibiting these behaviors.
Did you know that there’s a cadre of internal certified federal coaches available to help federal employees—at no additional cost? Many people pay coaches hundreds of dollars a session to address work and life issues. As a federal employee, you can get coaching services at no additional cost through the Federal Coaching Network.
Are you afraid your institutional knowledge might be overlooked for that fresh angle tweeted by a younger counterpart? Career fulfillment happens more often we embrace instead of build up walls in defense.
How do you prepare for the possibility of loosing your job?
Most folks already know or suspect they are being monitored online by their employer. What are the ways in which this happens?
Some rules should be broken. Especially those that say you can’t achieve your highest goals because of chromosomal demarcations. Because, you know, “the times they are a-changing.”
What is the fine line between assertive and aggressive behavior?
Learning the work personalities of your colleagues can give you a big leg up in your federal career.
Looking for ways to prosper in the new administration? Check out this featured bloggers perspective.