Posts Tagged: career

Meet GovLoop’s Dynamic Duo of Virtual Training

As part of today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, GovLoop President and Founder Steve Ressler and GovLoop Vice President of Learning and Development Andrew Krzmarzick sat down for a Q&A to answer all your virtual training questions. Q. How did GovLoop get started in virtual training?  Steve: More than six year ago, GovLoop started out with the visionRead… Read more »

8 Important Career Tips from GovLoop’s Founder

As part of today’s Government Innovator’s Virtual Summit, we heard from GovLoop President and Founder Steve Ressler has he conducted a career advice live chat for audience members. Ressler gave us a variety of awesome career tips — below are eight questions the audience asked, and Ressler’s advice. #1: What’s your best networking tip? Ressler saidRead… Read more »

12 Tips on Navigating the Federal Job Application Process

Applying to a federal job is far different than applying to your run-of-the-mill private sector position. You will be asked for far greater detail on your skills, abilities, and experience. You’ll likely endure a lengthy wait time after applying to hear if you’re being considered. And when you get started on your search, it mightRead… Read more »

Why (And How) To Keep Looking For a Job – Even When You’re Happily Employed

Job boards, interview jitters, resumes, and recruiters. You’ve left that all behind now that you’ve landed your dream job, right? Sure, you may be perfectly happy with your current position, but it doesn’t hurt to keep your ear to the ground for other opportunities – and in fact, it could even help you excel in theRead… Read more »

This Senator is Making History for Women

Women’s History Month presents us with an opportunity to shine a spotlight on the incredible achievements of women everywhere. One inspiring woman who is still making history today is U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland (pictured above). She is the longest serving woman in the history of Congress, extending her record with each passing day.Read… Read more »