Octavia Butler and Apple Pie? Coach Your People in New Ways of Thinking and Working
Here are seven ways we can become better coaches for people taken from author Octavia Butler’s thoughts about journey mindsets and conversation arcs.
Here are seven ways we can become better coaches for people taken from author Octavia Butler’s thoughts about journey mindsets and conversation arcs.
A wise person once told me, “You are either the influencer or the one who is being influenced.” Therefore, in order to be the influencer, you must take opportunities that come your way.
Whenever you think anxiety is a barrier to your success, think again. Using these tips helped me reduce workplace anxiety as a new employee.
Here are three ways thinking like a writer can help you shine professionally, whether it is with co-workers, clients or customers.
Shifting to a writer’s third-person viewpoint can help you discover your innate strengths, talents and traits to enhance your role at the office.
Here is how you can manage your mistakes — or someone else’s on your team — using the four Rs of mistake management and coaching conversations.
Learn how to master this one storytelling essential so you can advance in your career and improve your relationships at the same time.
You can move your career story forward in any way you choose when your make thinking like a writer your mindset and learn the fundamentals of storytelling.
GovLoop highlights some of the best opportunities available on USAJobs.com in a blog post each week.
Here are three simple steps for knowledge management that will become a career superpower for your professional development.