Posts Tagged: career

Making Friends With The Millennials

The dawn of the millennials is coming for the federal workforce. Four out of ten federal workers will be eligible for retirement in the next five years, according to OPM director Katherine Archuleta. Meaning that someone has to fill those spots – and it will be the millennials. Does this mean the face of theRead… Read more »

Learn EEO and Build Model Workplaces

Spring is in the air, which means the federal equal employment opportunity (EEO) training season is once again underway. This is an ideal time for employees and managers alike to learn more about EEO best practices, laws, rules and regulations to help create a model federal workplace. A smart and effective way to learn theRead… Read more »

3 Ways To Be Happier At Work

It possible to train yourself to become happier? This question fascinates me, which is why I was intrigued by this infographic from the folks at Happify, a site where you can sign up for a daily regimen of scientifically-backed happiness-boosting games. The infographic is based on current research on what makes people happier at work,Read… Read more »

How to Prevent Harassment in the Federal Workplace

When most people hear about workplace harassment, it’s likely to be sexual harassment because that’s traditionally been the most common and publicized form. However, harassment is much broader than that of a purely sexual nature. In fact, harassment may take many forms of which not everyone is aware. Under federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, harassmentRead… Read more »

Need Inspiration? Look No Further!

Us folks at GovLoop are a pretty inspired bunch, passionate about helping our members do their jobs better by providing them with the latest happenings and inspiration in government. But sometimes even the most inspired hit a creativity slump. For the icebreaker at our team meeting this week, we shared what inspires us professionally. AndRead… Read more »